
Frederico R. B. Cruz

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13EETom Van Woensel, Frederico R. B. Cruz: A stochastic approach to traffic congestion costs. Computers & OR 36(6): 1731-1739 (2009)
12EERosangela Helena Loschi, Frederico R. B. Cruz, Ricardo H. C. Takahashi, Pilar Loreto Iglesias, Reinaldo Boris Arellano-Valle, James MacGregor Smith: A note on Bayesian identification of change points in data sequences. Computers & OR 35(1): 156-170 (2008)
11EEFrederico R. B. Cruz, A. R. Duarte, Tom Van Woensel: Buffer allocation in general single-server queueing networks. Computers & OR 35(11): 3581-3598 (2008)
10EEFrederico R. B. Cruz, James MacGregor Smith: Approximate analysis of M/G/c/c state-dependent queueing networks. Computers & OR 34(8): 2332-2344 (2007)
9EERosangela Helena Loschi, Pilar Loreto Iglesias, Reinaldo Boris Arellano-Valle, Frederico R. B. Cruz: Full predictivistic modeling of stock market data: Application to change point problems. European Journal of Operational Research 180(1): 282-291 (2007)
8EEE. M. Silva, G. C. Franco, Valderio Anselmo Reisen, Frederico R. B. Cruz: Local bootstrap approaches for fractional differential parameter estimation in ARFIMA models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 51(2): 1002-1011 (2006)
7EERosangela Helena Loschi, Frederico R. B. Cruz: Extension to the product partition model: computing the probability of a change. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 48(2): 255-268 (2005)
6EEFrederico R. B. Cruz, James MacGregor Smith, D. C. Queiroz: Service and capacity allocation in M/G/c/c state-dependent queueing networks. Computers & OR 32: 1545-1563 (2005)
5EEFrederico R. B. Cruz, James MacGregor Smith, R. O. Medeiros: An M/G/C/C state-dependent network simulation model. Computers & OR 32: 919-941 (2005)
4EERosangela Helena Loschi, Frederico R. B. Cruz, Pilar Loreto Iglesias, Reinaldo Boris Arellano-Valle: A Gibbs sampling scheme to the product partition model: an application to change-point problems. Computers & OR 30(3): 463-482 (2003)
3 Frederico R. B. Cruz, Geraldo Robson Mateus, James MacGregor Smith: A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm to Solve a Multi-level Network Optimization Problem. J. Math. Model. Algorithms 2(1): 37-56 (2003)
2EEFrederico R. B. Cruz, Geraldo Robson Mateus: Parallel algorithms for a multi-level network optimization problem. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 18(3): 121-137 (2003)
1EEFrederico R. B. Cruz, James MacGregor Smith, Geraldo Robson Mateus: Solving to optimality the uncapacitated fixed-charge network flow problem. Computers & OR 25(1): 67-81 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Reinaldo Boris Arellano-Valle [4] [9] [12]
2A. R. Duarte [11]
3G. C. Franco [8]
4Pilar Loreto Iglesias [4] [9] [12]
5Rosangela Helena Loschi [4] [7] [9] [12]
6Geraldo Robson Mateus [1] [2] [3]
7R. O. Medeiros [5]
8D. C. Queiroz [6]
9Valderio Anselmo Reisen [8]
10E. M. Silva [8]
11James MacGregor Smith (J. MacGregor Smith) [1] [3] [5] [6] [10] [12]
12Ricardo H. C. Takahashi [12]
13Tom Van Woensel [11] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)