
George R. Cross

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6EEShufen Kuo, George R. Cross: A two-step string-matching procedure. Pattern Recognition 24(7): 711-716 (1991)
5EEAbolfazl Sirjani, George R. Cross: On representation of a shape's skeleton. Pattern Recognition Letters 12(3): 149-154 (1991)
4EECraig Brossman, George R. Cross: Model-based recognition of characters in trademark artwork. Pattern Recognition Letters 11(5): 363-370 (1990)
3EEShufen Kuo, George R. Cross: An Improved Algorithm to Find the Length of the Longest Common Subsequence of Two Strings. SIGIR Forum 23(3-4): 89-99 (1989)
2EEM. Kathryn Di Benigno, George R. Cross, Cary deBessonet: COREL - A Conceptual Retrieval System. SIGIR 1986: 144-148
1EEGeorge R. Cross, Cary G. de Bessonet: Representation of legal knowledge for conceptual retrieval. Inf. Process. Manage. 21(1): 35-44 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1M. Kathryn Di Benigno [2]
2Cary G. de Bessonet [1]
3Craig Brossman [4]
4Shufen Kuo [3] [6]
5Abolfazl Sirjani [5]
6Cary deBessonet [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)