
Melba M. Crawford

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12EEYangchi Chen, Melba M. Crawford, Joydeep Ghosh: Knowledge Based Stacking of Hyperspectral Data for Land Cover Classification. CIDM 2007: 316-322
11EESanghoon Lee, Melba M. Crawford: Unsupervised multistage image classification using hierarchical clustering with a bayesian similarity measure. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 14(3): 312-320 (2005)
10EEJoseph T. Morgan, Jisoo Ham, Melba M. Crawford, Alex Henneguelle, Joydeep Ghosh: Adaptive Feature Spaces For Land Cover Classification With Limited Ground Truth Data. IJPRAI 18(5): 777-799 (2004)
9 Alex Henneguelle, Joydeep Ghosh, Melba M. Crawford: Polyline Feature Extraction for Land Cover Classification using Hyperspectral Data. IICAI 2003: 256-269
8EEJoseph T. Morgan, Alex Henneguelle, Melba M. Crawford, Joydeep Ghosh, Amy Neuenschwander: Adaptive Feature Spaces for Land Cover Classification with Limited Ground Truth Data. Multiple Classifier Systems 2002: 189-200
7EEK. Clint Slatton, Melba M. Crawford, Brian L. Evans: Sensitivity Analysis of a Spatially-Adaptive Estimator for Data Fusion. SSIAI 2002: 72-76
6EEShailesh Kumar, Joydeep Ghosh, Melba M. Crawford: Hierarchical Fusion of Multiple Classifiers for Hyperspectral Data Analysis. Pattern Anal. Appl. 5(2): 210-220 (2002)
5EESanghoon Lee, Melba M. Crawford: Unsupervised classification using spatial region growing segmentation and fuzzy training. ICIP (1) 2001: 770-773
4EEShailesh Kumar, Joydeep Ghosh, Melba M. Crawford: A Hierarchical Multiclassifier System for Hyperspectral Data Analysis. Multiple Classifier Systems 2000: 270-279
3EEK. Clint Slatton, Melba M. Crawford, Brian L. Evans: Improved Accuracy for Interferometric Radar Images Using Polarimetric Radar and Laser Altimetry Data. SSIAI 2000: 156-160
2 Sanghoon Lee, Melba M. Crawford: Unsupervised Multistage Segmentation using Markov Random Field and Maximum Entropy Principle. ICIP (2) 1994: 192-196
1 Scott T. Acton, Alan C. Bovik, Melba M. Crawford: Anisotropic Diffusion Pyramids for Image Segmentation. ICIP (3) 1994: 478-482

Coauthor Index

1Scott T. Acton [1]
2Alan C. Bovik [1]
3Yangchi Chen [12]
4Brian L. Evans [3] [7]
5Joydeep Ghosh [4] [6] [8] [9] [10] [12]
6Jisoo Ham [10]
7Alex Henneguelle [8] [9] [10]
8Shailesh Kumar [4] [6]
9Sanghoon Lee [2] [5] [11]
10Joseph T. Morgan [8] [10]
11Amy Neuenschwander [8]
12K. Clint Slatton [3] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)