
Scott Craver

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10EEScott Craver, Enping Li, Jun Yu, Idris M. Atakli: A Supraliminal Channel in a Videoconferencing Application. Information Hiding 2008: 283-293
9EEJanice Y. Tsai, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Scott Craver: Vicarious infringement creates a privacy ceiling. Digital Rights Management Workshop 2006: 9-18
8EEScott Craver: An Improved Asymmetric Watermarking System Using Matrix Embedding. Information Hiding 2006: 15-25
7EEScott Craver, Bede Liu, Wayne Wolf: An Implementation of, and Attacks on, Zero-Knowledge Watermarking. Information Hiding 2004: 1-12
6EEScott Craver, Bede Liu, Wayne Wolf: Detectors for Echo Hiding Systems. Information Hiding 2002: 247-257
5 Stefan Katzenbeisser, Scott Craver: Copyright Protection Protocols Based on Asymmetric Watermarking: The Ticket Concept. Communications and Multimedia Security 2001
4 Scott Craver: Zero Knowledge Watermark Detection. Information Hiding 1999: 101-116
3EEScott Craver: On Public-Key Steganography in the Presence of an Active Warden. Information Hiding 1998: 355-368
2EEScott Craver, Boon-Lock Yeo, Minerva M. Yeung: Technical Trials and Legal Tribulations. Commun. ACM 41(7): 44-54 (1998)
1 Scott Craver, Nasir D. Memon, Boon-Lock Yeo, Minerva M. Yeung: Can Invisible Watermarks Resolve Rightful Ownerships? Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE) 1997: 310-321

Coauthor Index

1Idris M. Atakli [10]
2Lorrie Faith Cranor [9]
3Stefan Katzenbeisser [5]
4Enping Li [10]
5Bede Liu [6] [7]
6Nasir D. Memon [1]
7Janice Y. Tsai [9]
8Wayne Wolf [6] [7]
9Boon-Lock Yeo [1] [2]
10Minerva M. Yeung [1] [2]
11Jun Yu [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)