
Timothy C. Craven

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13EETimothy C. Craven: Where does Web bibliographies' author information come from? First Monday 10(4): (2005)
12EETimothy C. Craven: Variations in use of meta tag descriptions by Web pages in different languages. Inf. Process. Manage. 40(3): 479-493 (2004)
11EETimothy C. Craven: Fine-tuning of Graphic Thesaurus Displays. JDIM 1(1): 38-42 (2003)
10EETimothy C. Craven: What is the title of a Web page? A study of Webography practice. Inf. Res. 7(3): (2002)
9EETimothy C. Craven: Changes in Metatag Descriptions Over Time. First Monday 6(10): (2001)
8 Timothy C. Craven: Presentation of repeated phrases in a computer-assisted abstracting tool kit. Inf. Process. Manage. 37(2): 221-230 (2001)
7 Timothy C. Craven: Abstracts produced using computer assistance. JASIS 51(8): 745-756 (2000)
6EETimothy C. Craven: Human creation of abstracts with selected computer assistance tools. Inf. Res. 3(4): (1998)
5EETimothy C. Craven: Algorithms for graphic display of sentence dependency structures. Inf. Process. Manage. 27(6): 603-613 (1991)
4 Timothy C. Craven: Graphic display of larger sentence dependency structures. JASIS 42(5): 323-331 (1991)
3EETimothy C. Craven: Adapting of string indexing systems for retrieval using proximity operators. Inf. Process. Manage. 24(2): 133-140 (1988)
2EETimothy C. Craven: Thesaural relations in a concept-network management system for customizing of permuted index displays. Inf. Process. Manage. 20(5-6): 603-610 (1984)
1EETimothy C. Craven: Linked phrase indexing. Inf. Process. Manage. 22(6): 469-476 (1978)

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