
Bart G. W. Craenen

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5EEBart G. W. Craenen, Ben Paechter: A Conflict Tabu Search Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems. EvoCOP 2008: 13-24
4EEBart G. W. Craenen, Ben Paechter: A Tabu Search Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems. PPSN 2006: 152-161
3EEBart G. W. Craenen, A. E. Eiben: Hybrid evolutionary algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems: memetic overkill? Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 1922-1928
2 Bart G. W. Craenen, A. E. Eiben, Jano I. van Hemert: Comparing evolutionary algorithms on binary constraint satisfaction problems. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 7(5): 424-444 (2003)
1 Bart G. W. Craenen, A. E. Eiben, Elena Marchiori, Adri G. Steenbeek: Combining Local Search and Fitness Function Adaptation in a GA for Solving Binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems. GECCO 2000: 381

Coauthor Index

1A. E. Eiben (Ágoston E. Eiben, Guszti Eiben) [1] [2] [3]
2Jano I. van Hemert [2]
3Elena Marchiori [1]
4Ben Paechter [4] [5]
5Adri G. Steenbeek [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)