
Robert Cox

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12EEAsis Nasipuri, Robert Cox, Hadi Alasti, Luke Van der Zel, Bienvenido Rodriguez, Ralph McKosky, Joseph A. Graziano: Wireless sensor network for substation monitoring: design and deployment. SenSys 2008: 365-366
11EEFariba Shadabi, Robert Cox, Dharmendra Sharma, Nikolai Petrovsky: A Hybrid Decision Tree - Artificial Neural Networks Ensemble Approach for Kidney Transplantation Outcomes Prediction. KES (2) 2005: 116-122
10EESzymon K. Szukalski, Robert Cox, Patricia S. Crowther: Using Artificial Neural Network Ensembles to Extract Data Content from Noisy Data. KES (3) 2005: 974-980
9EEPatricia S. Crowther, Robert Cox: A Method for Optimal Division of Data Sets for Use in Neural Networks. KES (4) 2005: 1-7
8 Ziad Saad, Richard Reynolds, Robert Cox, Brenna Argall, Shruti Japee: SUMA: An Interface for Surface-Based Intra- and Inter-Subject Analysis with AFNI. ISBI 2004: 1510-1511
7EEPatricia S. Crowther, Robert Cox, Dharmendra Sharma: A Study of the Radial Basis Function Neural Network Classifiers Using Known Data of Varying Accuracy and Complexity. KES 2004: 210-216
6EEFariba Shadabi, Robert Cox, Dharmendra Sharma, Nikolai Petrovsky: Use of Artificial Neural Networks in the Prediction of the Kidney Transplant Outcomes. KES 2004: 566-572
5 Robert Cox: What Is the Value of Emotion in Communication? Implications for User Centred Design. ICEIS (4) 2003: 418-425
4EEJohn Ng, Dattatraya Kulkarni, Wei Li, Robert Cox, Scott Bobholz: Inter-Procedural Loop Fusion, Array Contraction and Rotation. IEEE PACT 2003: 114-124
3 Robert Cox, David Clark, Alice Richardson: An Investigation into the Effect of Ensemble Size and Voting Threshold on the Accuracy of Neural Network Ensembles. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1999: 268-277
2EEInduprakas Kodukula, Keshav Pingali, Robert Cox, Dror E. Maydan: An experimental evaluation of tiling and shackling for memory hierarchy management. International Conference on Supercomputing 1999: 482-491
1 Rohit Chandra, Ding-Kai Chen, Robert Cox, Dror E. Maydan, Nenad Nedeljkovic, Jennifer-Ann M. Anderson: Data Distribution Support on Distributed Shared Memory Multiprocessors. PLDI 1997: 334-345

Coauthor Index

1Hadi Alasti [12]
2Jennifer-Ann M. Anderson [1]
3Brenna Argall [8]
4Scott Bobholz [4]
5Rohit Chandra [1]
6Ding-Kai Chen [1]
7David Clark [3]
8Patricia S. Crowther [7] [9] [10]
9Joseph A. Graziano [12]
10Shruti Japee [8]
11Induprakas Kodukula [2]
12Dattatraya Kulkarni [4]
13Wei Li [4]
14Dror E. Maydan [1] [2]
15Ralph McKosky [12]
16Asis Nasipuri [12]
17Nenad Nedeljkovic [1]
18John Ng [4]
19Nikolai Petrovsky [6] [11]
20Keshav Pingali [2]
21Richard Reynolds [8]
22Alice Richardson [3]
23Bienvenido Rodriguez [12]
24Ziad Saad [8]
25Fariba Shadabi [6] [11]
26Dharmendra Sharma [6] [7] [11]
27Szymon K. Szukalski [10]
28Luke Van der Zel [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)