
Robert Cowen

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9EERobert Cowen, Stephen H. Hechler, John W. Kennedy, Arthur Steinberg: Odd neighborhood transversals on grid graphs. Discrete Mathematics 307(17-18): 2200-2208 (2007)
8EERobert Cowen, Adam Kolany: Davis-Putnam Style Rules for Deciding Property S. Fundam. Inform. 79(1-2): 5-15 (2007)
7EERobert Cowen: Property S. Reports on Mathematical Logic 35: 61-74 (2001)
6EERobert Cowen: A Compactness Theorem for Infinite Constraint Satisfaction. Reports on Mathematical Logic 32: 97-107 (1998)
5 Robert Cowen, William Emerson: A compactness theorem for linear equations. Studia Logica 57(2/3): 355-357 (1996)
4 Robert Cowen: Some Connections Between Set Theory and Computer Science. Kurt Gödel Colloquium 1993: 14-22
3EERobert Cowen: Combinatorial Analytic Tableaux. Reports on Mathematical Logic 27: 29-39 (1993)
2EERobert Cowen: Hypergraph Satisfiability. Reports on Mathematical Logic 25: (1991)
1 Robert Cowen: Two Hypergraph Theorems Equivalent to BPI. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 31(2): 232-240 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1William Emerson [5]
2Stephen H. Hechler [9]
3John W. Kennedy [9]
4Adam Kolany [8]
5Arthur Steinberg [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)