
Ethan M. Coven

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6 Ethan M. Coven, Natasa Jonoska: DNA Hybridization, Shifts of Finite Type, and Tiling of the Integers. Grammars and Automata for String Processing 2003: 369-380
5 Ethan M. Coven, G. A. Hedlund: Periods of Some Nonlinear Shift Registers. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 27(2): 186-197 (1979)
4 Ethan M. Coven, Michael E. Paul: Endomorphisms of Irreducible Subshifts of Finite Type. Mathematical Systems Theory 8(2): 167-175 (1975)
3 Ethan M. Coven: Sequences with Minimal Block Growth II. Mathematical Systems Theory 8(4): 376-382 (1975)
2 Ethan M. Coven, G. A. Hedlund: Sequences with Minimal Block Growth. Mathematical Systems Theory 7(2): 138-153 (1973)
1 Ethan M. Coven: P-Recursion and Transformation Groups Having an Equicontinuous Replete Semigroup. Mathematical Systems Theory 3(2): 170-178 (1969)

Coauthor Index

1G. A. Hedlund [2] [5]
2Natasa Jonoska (Natasha Jonoska) [6]
3Michael E. Paul [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)