
Raphaël Couturier

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34EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, David Laiymani, Kamel Mazouzi: Distributed Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms: New Experimentations with the Jace Environment. GPC 2009: 142-152
33EEJean-Claude Charr, Raphaël Couturier, David Laiymani: JACEP2P-V2: A Fully Decentralized and Fault Tolerant Environment for Executing Parallel Iterative Asynchronous Applications on Volatile Distributed Architectures. GPC 2009: 446-458
32EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, David Laiymani: Comparison of the Conjugate Gradient of NAS benchmark and of the multisplitting algorithm with the Jace environment. IPDPS 2008: 1-7
31EEJacques M. Bahi, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, Raphaël Couturier: An Efficient and Robust Decentralized Algorithm for Detecting the Global Convergence in Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms. VECPAR 2008: 240-254
30EERaphaël Couturier: CHIC: Cohesive Hierarchical Implicative Classification. Statistical Implicative Analysis 2008: 41-53
29EERaphaël Couturier, Christophe Denis, Fabienne Jézéquel: GREMLINS: a large sparse linear solver for grid environment. Parallel Computing 34(6-8): 380-391 (2008)
28EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, Philippe Vuillemin: JaceP2P, une infrastructure pair-à-pair basée sur le calcul itératif asynchrone. Technique et Science Informatiques 27(3-4): 457-485 (2008)
27EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, David Laiymani, Kamel Mazouzi: A Comparative Study of Two Java High Performance Environments for Implementing Parallel Iterative Methods. APPT 2007: 313-321
26EEJacques M. Bahi, Jean-Claude Charr, Raphaël Couturier, David Laiymani: A parallel algorithm to solve large stiff ODE systems on grid systems. CLUSTER 2007: 534-541
25EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, David Laiymani, Kamel Mazouzi: Java and asynchronous iterative applications: large scale experiments. IPDPS 2007: 1-7
24EERaphaël Couturier, Stephane Domas: CRAC: a Grid Environment to Solve Scientific Applications with Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
23EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, Flavien Vernier: Synchronous Distributed Load Balancing on Totally Dynamic Networks. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
22EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, Philippe Vuillemin: JaceP2P: an Environment for Asynchronous Computations on Peer-to-Peer Networks. CLUSTER 2006
21EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, Abderrahmane Sider: Design and Analysis of the M2LL Policy Distributed Algorithm for Load Balancing in Dynamic Networks. ISPA Workshops 2006: 195-204
20EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, Philippe Vuillemin: JaceV: A Programming and Execution Environment for Asynchronous Iterative Computations on Volatile Nodes. VECPAR 2006: 79-92
19EEJacques M. Bahi, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, Raphaël Couturier: Performance Comparison of Parallel Programming Environments for Implementing AIAC Algorithms. The Journal of Supercomputing 35(3): 227-244 (2006)
18 Raphaël Couturier, Régis Gras: CHIC : traitement de données avec l'analyse implicative. EGC 2005: 679-684
17EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier: Parallelization of Direct Algorithms using Multisplitting Methods in Grid Environments. IPDPS 2005
16EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, Michel Salomon: Solving Three-Dimensional Transport Models with Synchronous and Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms in a Grid Computing Environment. IPDPS 2005
15EEJacques M. Bahi, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, Raphaël Couturier, Flavien Vernier: A Decentralized Convergence Detection Algorithm for Asynchronous Parallel Iterative Algorithms. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 16(1): 4-13 (2005)
14EEJacques M. Bahi, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, Raphaël Couturier: Dynamic Load Balancing and Efficient Load Estimators for Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 16(4): 289-299 (2005)
13EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, Flavien Vernier: Synchronous distributed load balancing on dynamic networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(11): 1397-1405 (2005)
12EEJacques M. Bahi, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, Raphaël Couturier: Evaluation of the asynchronous iterative algorithms in the context of distant heterogeneous clusters. Parallel Computing 31(5): 439-461 (2005)
11EEJacques M. Bahi, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, Raphaël Couturier: Performance Comparison of Parallel Programming Environments for Implementing AIAC Algorithms. IPDPS 2004
10EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, Philippe Vuillemin: Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms for Computational Science on the Grid: Three Case Studies. VECPAR 2004: 302-314
9EEJacques M. Bahi, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, Raphaël Couturier: Coupling Dynamic Load Balancing with Asynchronism in Iterative Algorithms on the Computational Grid. IPDPS 2003: 40
8EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, Flavien Vernier: Broken Edges and Dimension Exchange Algorithms on Hypercube Topology. PDP 2003: 140-
7EEJacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, Flavien Vernier: Accelerated Diffusion Algorithms on General Dynamic Networks. PPAM 2003: 77-82
6EEJacques M. Bahi, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, Raphaël Couturier: Asynchronism for Iterative Algorithms in a Global Computing Environment. HPCS 2002: 90-97
5EERaphaël Couturier, Philippe Canalda, François Spies: Iterative Algorithms on Heterogeneous Network Computing: Parallel Polynomial Root Extracting. HiPC 2002: 283-291
4 Régis Gras, Pascale Kuntz, Raphaël Couturier, Fabrice Guillet: Une version entropique de l'intensité d'implication pour les corpus volumineux. EGC 2001: 69-80
3 Raphaël Couturier, Bertrand Coutourier: A Compiler for Parallel Unity Programs Using OpenMp. PDPTA 1999: 1992-1998
2 Raphaël Couturier, Dominique Méry: An Experiment in Parallelizing an Application Using Formal Methods. CAV 1998: 345-356
1 Raphaël Couturier: Formal Engineering of the Bitonic Sort using PVS. IWFM 1998

Coauthor Index

1Jacques M. Bahi [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [25] [26] [27] [28] [31] [32] [34]
2Philippe Canalda [5]
3Jean-Claude Charr [26] [33]
4Sylvain Contassot-Vivier [6] [9] [11] [12] [14] [15] [19] [31]
5Bertrand Coutourier [3]
6Christophe Denis [29]
7Stephane Domas [24]
8Régis Gras [4] [18]
9Fabrice Guillet [4]
10Fabienne Jézéquel [29]
11Pascale Kuntz [4]
12David Laiymani [25] [26] [27] [32] [33] [34]
13Kamel Mazouzi [25] [27] [34]
14Dominique Méry [2]
15Michel Salomon [16]
16Abderrahmane Sider [21]
17François Spies [5]
18Flavien Vernier [7] [8] [13] [15] [23]
19Philippe Vuillemin [10] [20] [22] [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)