
Karlene Cousins

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4EEJonathan Wareham, Karlene Cousins, Rich Klein: Service and commodity based electronic intermediaries: a comparative analysis. ECIS 2003
3EEJonathan Wareham, Armando Levy, Karlene Cousins: Wireless Diffusion and Mobile Computing : Implications for the Digital Divide. ECIS 2002
2EECecil Chua Eng Huang, Lan Cao, Karlene Cousins, Detmar W. Straub: Measuring Researcher-Production in Information Systems. J. AIS 3: (2002)
1EEKarlene Cousins, Upkar Varshney: A product location framework for mobile commerce environment. Workshop Mobile Commerce 2001: 43-48

Coauthor Index

1Lan Cao [2]
2Cecil Chua Eng Huang [2]
3Rich Klein [4]
4Armando Levy [3]
5Detmar W. Straub [2]
6Upkar Varshney [1]
7Jonathan Wareham [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)