
William T. Councill

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3EEGeorge T. Heineman, William T. Councill, Janet S. Flynt, Alok Mehta, John R. Speed, Mary Shaw: Component-based software engineering and the issue of trust. ICSE 2000: 661-664
2EEWilliam T. Councill: Third-Party Testing and the Quality of Software Components. IEEE Software 16(4): 55-57 (1999)
1EEWilliam T. Councill: Third-Party Testing and Stirrings of the New Software Engineering. IEEE Software 16(6): 76-79 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Janet S. Flynt [3]
2George T. Heineman [3]
3Alok Mehta [3]
4Mary Shaw [3]
5John R. Speed [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)