
Paulo Cesar G. da Costa

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14EERommel N. Carvalho, Marcelo Ladeira, Laécio L. Santos, Shou Matsumoto, Paulo Cesar G. da Costa: A GUI Tool for Plausible Reasoning in the Semantic Web Using MEBN. Innovative Applications in Data Mining 2009: 17-45
13 Fernando Bobillo, Paulo Cesar G. da Costa, Claudia d'Amato, Nicola Fanizzi, Francis Fung, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Trevor Martin, Matthias Nickles, Yun Peng, Michael Pool, Pavel Smrz, Peter Vojtás: Proceedings of the Third ISWC Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web Busan, Korea, November 12, 2007 CEUR-WS.org 2008
12 Fernando Bobillo, Paulo Cesar G. da Costa, Claudia d'Amato, Nicola Fanizzi, Kathryn B. Laskey, Kenneth J. Laskey, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Trevor P. Martin, Matthias Nickles, Michael Pool, Pavel Smrz: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 26, 2008 CEUR-WS.org 2008
11 Paulo Cesar G. da Costa, Claudia d'Amato, Nicola Fanizzi, Kathryn B. Laskey, Kenneth J. Laskey, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Matthias Nickles, Michael Pool: Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web I, ISWC International Workshops, URSW 2005-2007, Revised Selected and Invited Papers Springer 2008
10 Paulo Cesar G. da Costa, Marcelo Ladeira, Rommel N. Carvalho, Kathryn B. Laskey, Laécio L. Santos, Shou Matsumoto: A First-Order Bayesian Tool for Probabilistic Ontologies. FLAIRS Conference 2008: 631-636
9EEPaulo Cesar G. da Costa, Kathryn B. Laskey, Kenneth J. Laskey: PR-OWL: A Bayesian Ontology Language for the Semantic Web. URSW (LNCS Vol.) 2008: 88-107
8EEKathryn B. Laskey, Ed Wright, Paulo Cesar G. da Costa: Envisioning Uncertainty in Geospatial Information. BMA 2007
7 Paulo Cesar G. da Costa, Kathryn B. Laskey, Kenneth J. Laskey, Francis Fung, Michael Pool: Proceedings of the Second ISWC Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web, Athens, Georgia, USA, November 5, 2006 CEUR-WS.org 2006
6 Paulo Cesar G. da Costa, Kathryn B. Laskey: PR-OWL: A Framework for Probabilistic Ontologies. FOIS 2006: 237-249
5EEKenneth J. Laskey, Kathryn B. Laskey, Paulo Cesar G. da Costa: A Proposal for a W3C XG on Uncertainty Reasoning for the World Wide Web. URSW 2006
4EEPaulo Cesar G. da Costa, Kathryn B. Laskey, Kenneth J. Laskey: Probabilistic Ontologies for Efficient Resource Sharing in Semantic Web Services. URSW 2006
3 Paulo Cesar G. da Costa, Kathryn B. Laskey, Kenneth J. Laskey, Michael Pool: International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2005, Galway, Ireland, Workshop 3: Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web, 7 November 2005 ISWC-URSW 2005
2 Paulo Cesar G. da Costa, Kathryn B. Laskey, Kenneth J. Laskey: PR-OWL: A Bayesian Ontology Language for the Semantic Web. ISWC-URSW 2005: 23-33
1EEKathryn B. Laskey, Paulo Cesar G. da Costa: Of Starships and Klingons: Bayesian Logic for the 23rd Century. UAI 2005: 346-353

Coauthor Index

1Fernando Bobillo [12] [13]
2Rommel N. Carvalho [10] [14]
3Nicola Fanizzi [11] [12] [13]
4Francis Fung [7] [13]
5Marcelo Ladeira [10] [14]
6Kathryn B. Laskey [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
7Kenneth J. Laskey [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [9] [11] [12]
8Thomas Lukasiewicz [11] [12] [13]
9Trevor P. Martin (Trevor Martin) [12] [13]
10Shou Matsumoto [10] [14]
11Matthias Nickles [11] [12] [13]
12Yun Peng [13]
13Michael Pool [3] [7] [11] [12] [13]
14Laécio L. Santos [10] [14]
15Pavel Smrz [12] [13]
16Peter Vojtás [13]
17Ed Wright [8]
18Claudia d'Amato [11] [12] [13]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)