
Marcelo Azevedo Costa

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15EEAntônio de Pádua Braga, Euler G. Horta, René Natowicz, Roman Rouzier, Roberto Incitti, Thiago S. Rodrigues, Marcelo Azevedo Costa, Carmen D. M. Pataro, Arben Çela: Bayesian Classifiers for Predicting the Outcome of Breast Cancer Preoperative Chemotherapy. ANNPR 2008: 263-266
14EERené Natowicz, Antônio de Pádua Braga, Roberto Incitti, Euler G. Horta, Roman Rouzier, Thiago S. Rodrigues, Marcelo Azevedo Costa: A new method of DNA probes selection and its use with multi-objective neural network for predicting the outcome of breast cancer preoperative chemotherapy. ESANN 2008: 71-76
13EERené Natowicz, Roberto Incitti, Roman Rouzier, Arben Çela, Antônio de Pádua Braga, Euler G. Horta, Thiago S. Rodrigues, Marcelo Azevedo Costa: Downsizing Multigenic Predictors of the Response to Preoperative Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer. KES (2) 2008: 157-164
12EEMarcelo Azevedo Costa, Antônio de Pádua Braga, Benjamin Rodrigues de Menezes: Improving generalization of MLPs with sliding mode control and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Neurocomputing 70(7-9): 1342-1347 (2007)
11EEMarcelo Azevedo Costa, Antônio de Pádua Braga: Optimization of Neural Networks with Multi-Objective LASSO Algorithm. IJCNN 2006: 3312-3318
10EEAntônio de Pádua Braga, Ricardo H. C. Takahashi, Marcelo Azevedo Costa, Roselito de Albuquerque Teixeira: Multi-Objective Algorithms for Neural Networks Learning. Multi-Objective Machine Learning 2006: 151-171
9EEMarcelo Azevedo Costa, Luciano R. Schrerrer, Renato M. Assunção: Detecção de Conglomerados Espaciais com Geometria Arbitrária. GeoInfo 2005: 213-222
8 Marcelo Azevedo Costa, Renato M. Assunção: Uma Análise de Desempenho dos Métodos SCAN e BESAG&NEWELL na Detecção de Clusters Espaciais. GeoInfo 2003
7EEMarcelo Azevedo Costa, Antônio de Pádua Braga, Benjamin Rodrigues de Menezes, Roselito de Albuquerque Teixeira, Gustavo Guimarães Parma: Training neural networks with a multi-objective sliding mode control algorithm. Neurocomputing 51: 467-473 (2003)
6EEMarcelo Azevedo Costa, Antônio de Pádua Braga, Benjamin Rodrigues de Menezes, Gustavo Guimarães Parma, Roselito de Albuquerque Teixeira: Control of Generalization with a Bi-Objective Sliding Mode Control Algorithm. SBRN 2002: 38-43
5EEMarcelo Azevedo Costa, Antônio de Pádua Braga, Benjamin Rodrigues de Menezes: Improved generalization learning with Sliding Mode Control and the Levenberg-Marquadt Algorithm. SBRN 2002: 44-48
4EEMarcelo Azevedo Costa, Antônio de Pádua Braga, Benjamin Rodrigues de Menezes: Constructive and Pruning Methods for Neural Network Design. SBRN 2002: 49-54
3EEMarcelo Azevedo Costa, Antônio de Pádua Braga, Benjamin Rodrigues de Menezes: Improving neural networks generalization with new constructive and pruning methods. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 13(2-4): 75-83 (2002)
2EEAntônio de Pádua Braga, Marcelo Azevedo Costa: A General Approach for Density in the n-Dimensional Boolean Space. SBRN 1998: 161-164
1EEAnelise P. Braga, Marcelo Barros de Almeida, G. Pereita, Marcelo Azevedo Costa, C. Barbose: On the information storage of associative matrix memories. SBRN 1997: 51-57

Coauthor Index

1Marcelo Barros de Almeida [1]
2Renato M. Assunção [8] [9]
3C. Barbose [1]
4Anelise P. Braga [1]
5Antônio de Pádua Braga [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
6Arben Çela [13] [15]
7Euler G. Horta [13] [14] [15]
8Roberto Incitti [13] [14] [15]
9Benjamin Rodrigues de Menezes [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [12]
10René Natowicz [13] [14] [15]
11Gustavo Guimarães Parma [6] [7]
12Carmen D. M. Pataro [15]
13G. Pereita [1]
14Thiago S. Rodrigues [13] [14] [15]
15Roman Rouzier [13] [14] [15]
16Luciano R. Schrerrer [9]
17Ricardo H. C. Takahashi [10]
18Roselito de Albuquerque Teixeira [6] [7] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)