
Joaquim Pinto da Costa

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6EEHelena Brás Silva, Paula Brito, Joaquim Pinto da Costa: A partitional clustering algorithm validated by a clustering tendency index based on graph theory. Pattern Recognition 39(5): 776-788 (2006)
5EERui Camacho, Alexessander Alves, Joaquim Pinto da Costa, Paulo J. Azevedo: Introduction. EPIA 2005: 235-235
4 Pavel Brazdil, Carlos Soares, Joaquim Pinto da Costa: Ranking Learning Algorithms: Using IBL and Meta-Learning on Accuracy and Time Results. Machine Learning 50(3): 251-277 (2003)
3 Luís Torgo, Joaquim Pinto da Costa: Clustered Partial Linear Regression. Machine Learning 50(3): 303-319 (2003)
2EELuís Torgo, Joaquim Pinto da Costa: Clustered Partial Linear Regression. ECML 2000: 426-436
1EEJoaquim Pinto da Costa, Israel-César Lerman: ARCADE: A Prediction Method for Nominal Variables. Intell. Data Anal. 2(1-4): 265-286 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Alexessander Alves [5]
2Paulo J. Azevedo [5]
3Pavel Brazdil [4]
4Paula Brito [6]
5Rui Camacho [5]
6Israel-César Lerman [1]
7Helena Brás Silva [6]
8Carlos Soares [4]
9Luís Torgo [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)