
Luís Cortesão

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2EEPedro Almeida, Marco Jorge, Luís Cortesão, Filipe Martins, Marco Vieira, Paulo Gomes: Supporting Fraud Analysis in Mobile Telecommunications Using Case-Based Reasoning. ECCBR 2008: 562-572
1EEPedro Gabriel Ferreira, Ronnie Alves, Orlando Belo, Luís Cortesão: Establishing Fraud Detection Patterns Based on Signatures. Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2006: 526-538

Coauthor Index

1Pedro Almeida [2]
2Ronnie Alves [1]
3Orlando Belo [1]
4Pedro Gabriel Ferreira [1]
5Paulo Gomes [2]
6Marco Jorge [2]
7Filipe Martins [2]
8Marco Vieira [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)