
Jean-Pierre Corriveau

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25EEDave Arnold, Jean-Pierre Corriveau: Modeling Enhanced Scenarios for Automated Instrumentation. SERA 2008: 290-297
24 Hao Chen, Jean-Pierre Corriveau: Security Features and Technologies for E-business Architecture Design. IMECS 2007: 1150-1156
23EEDave Arnold, Jean-Pierre Corriveau, Vojislav D. Radonjic: Open framework for conformance testing via scenarios. OOPSLA Companion 2007: 775-776
22EEJean-Pierre Corriveau: Testable Requirements for Offshore Outsourcing. SEAFOOD 2007: 27-43
21 Dave Arnold, Toby McClean, Jean-Pierre Corriveau, Vojislav D. Radonjic: Constraints in C# using the OCL 2.0. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2005: 325-330
20 Vojislav D. Radonjic, Jean-Pierre Corriveau: Making Patterns Better Design Tools: Requirements Analysis for a Family of Navigators for Design Pattern Catalogs. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2005: 349-354
19 Jean-Pierre Corriveau, Bo Tian, Vojislav D. Radonjic: On Facilitating the Reuse of C++ Graph Libraries. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2005: 7-12
18EEWei Shi, Jean-Pierre Corriveau: An Executable Model for a Family of Election Algorithms. IPDPS 2004
17 Wei Shi, Jean-Pierre Corriveau: System family engineering for leader election in ring topology. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2004: 398-403
16 Juan Pablo Zamora Zapata, Francis Bordeleau, Jean-Pierre Corriveau: Validation of Platform Specific Models against Platform Independent Models in the Context of Standard Specifications: A Model Driven Architecture Approach. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2004: 200-206
15EEFrancis Bordeleau, Jean-Pierre Corriveau: On the Importance of Inter-scenario Relationships in Hierarchical State Machine Design. FASE 2001: 156-170
14 Walid S. Saba, Jean-Pierre Corriveau: Plausible Reasoning and the Resolution of Quantifier Scope Ambiguities. Studia Logica 67(2): 271-289 (2001)
13EEFrancis Bordeleau, Jean-Pierre Corriveau, Bran Selic: A Scenario-Based Approach to Hierarchical State Machine Design. ISORC 2000: 78-85
12 Walid S. Saba, Jean-Pierre Corriveau: A Pragmatic Treatment of Quantification in Natural Language. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 610-615
11 Walid S. Saba, Jean-Pierre Corriveau: Quantification and Commonsense Reasoning. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 844
10 Jean-Pierre Corriveau: Traceability Process for Large OO Projects. IEEE Computer 29(9): 63-68 (1996)
9EEJean-Pierre Corriveau: A time-constrained architecture for cognition. HICSS (3) 1995: 13-22
8 Walid S. Saba, Jean-Pierre Corriveau: Quantification and Cognitive Constraints in Natural Language Understanding. SBIA 1995: 333-342
7EEVojislav D. Radonjic, Moshe Krieger, Jean-Pierre Corriveau: A response oriented paradigm for software engineering. CASCON 1994: 58
6 Jean-Pierre Corriveau, Craig Hayashi: A Strategy for Realizing Traceability in an Object-Oriented Design Environment. CAST 1994: 191-204
5 Jean-Pierre Corriveau: On the Design of a Concurrent Object-Oriented Spreading Activation Architecture. HICSS (3) 1994: 73-81
4 Greg Adams, Jean-Pierre Corriveau: Capturing Object Interactions. TOOLS (13) 1994: 283-292
3EEWilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh, Paul White, Jean-Pierre Corriveau: Towards unifying analysis, design, and implementation in object-oriented environments. CASCON 1993: 563-569
2 Jean-Pierre Corriveau, Bill Macready: On Driving and Monitoring Smalltalk-80 Applications Using Unix Spreadsheets. ICCI 1993: 534-538
1 Jean-Pierre Corriveau, Larry Williams: On the Evolution of a Framework for the ObjecTime Toolset. TOOLS (11) 1993: 337-349

Coauthor Index

1Greg Adams [4]
2Dave Arnold [21] [23] [25]
3Francis Bordeleau [13] [15] [16]
4Hao Chen [24]
5Craig Hayashi [6]
6Moshe Krieger [7]
7Wilf R. LaLonde [3]
8Bill Macready [2]
9Toby McClean [21]
10John R. Pugh [3]
11Vojislav D. Radonjic [7] [19] [20] [21] [23]
12Walid S. Saba [8] [11] [12] [14]
13Bran Selic [13]
14Wei Shi [17] [18]
15Bo Tian [19]
16Paul White [3]
17Larry Williams [1]
18Juan Pablo Zamora Zapata [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)