
Bernard Cornu

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4 Bernard Cornu: The Teaching Profession: A Networked Profession in New Networked Environments. ICT and the Teacher of the Future 2003: 3-14
3 Jari Multisiltas, Bernard Cornu: roup F- Knowledge Building Communities: Creating New Learning and Teaching Environments. ICT and the Teacher of the Future 2003: 301-305
2 Bernard Cornu: Integrating Technology into Curriculum: Local Outcomes of a National Agenda. WCCE 2001: 957-958
1 Bernard Cornu, Clara Danon: Didactics, ICT and the teacher of the future. The Bookmark of the School of the Future 2000: 95-102

Coauthor Index

1Clara Danon [1]
2Jari Multisiltas [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)