
Michael J. Corinthios

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6 Michael J. Corinthios: A Weighted Z Spectrum, Parallel Algorithm, and Processors for Mathematical Model Estimation. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(5): 513-528 (1996)
5 Michael J. Corinthios: A Massively Parallel Sorting Algorithm. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 283-287
4 Michael J. Corinthios: Optimal Parallel and Pipelined Processing Through a New Class of Matrices with Application to Generalized Spectral Analysis. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(4): 443-459 (1994)
3 Michael J. Corinthios: A Fast Z Transformation Algorithm for System Identification. IEEE Trans. Computers 26(1): 55-67 (1977)
2 Youssef A. Geadah, Michael J. Corinthios: Natural, Dyadic, and Sequency Order Algorithms and Processors for the Walsh-Hadamard Transform. IEEE Trans. Computers 26(5): 435-442 (1977)
1 Michael J. Corinthios, Kenneth C. Smith, Jui Lin Yen: A Parallel Radix-4 Fast Fourier Transform Computer. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(1): 80-92 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Youssef A. Geadah [2]
2Kenneth C. Smith [1]
3Jui Lin Yen [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)