
Denise E. Cooke

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4 John E. Hunt, Denise E. Cooke, Horst Holstein: Case Memory and Retrieval Based on the Immune System. ICCBR 1995: 205-216
3 Denise E. Cooke, John E. Hunt: Recognising Promoter Sequences Using An Artificial Immune System. ISMB 1995: 89-97
2 John E. Hunt, Denise E. Cooke: Qualitative modeling photosynthesis. Applied Artificial Intelligence 8(3): 307-332 (1994)
1EEDenise E. Cooke, A. Gutierrez: An Introduction to BagL. SEKE 1992: 479-486

Coauthor Index

1A. Gutierrez [1]
2Horst Holstein [4]
3John E. Hunt [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)