
Scott Contini

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16EERon Steinfeld, Scott Contini, Krystian Matusiewicz, Josef Pieprzyk, Jian Guo, San Ling, Huaxiong Wang: Cryptanalysis of LASH. FSE 2008: 207-223
15EEKrystian Matusiewicz, Thomas Peyrin, Olivier Billet, Scott Contini, Josef Pieprzyk: Cryptanalysis of FORK-256. FSE 2007: 19-38
14EEScott Contini, Krystian Matusiewicz, Josef Pieprzyk: Extending FORK-256 Attack to the Full Hash Function. ICICS 2007: 296-305
13EEScott Contini, Yiqun Lisa Yin: Forgery and Partial Key-Recovery Attacks on HMAC and NMAC Using Hash Collisions. ASIACRYPT 2006: 37-53
12EEScott Contini, Arjen K. Lenstra, Ron Steinfeld: VSH, an Efficient and Provable Collision-Resistant Hash Function. EUROCRYPT 2006: 165-182
11EEScott Contini, Igor Shparlinski: On Stern's Attack Against Secret Truncated Linear Congruential Generators. ACISP 2005: 52-60
10EERon Steinfeld, Scott Contini, Huaxiong Wang, Josef Pieprzyk: Converse Results to the Wiener Attack on RSA. Public Key Cryptography 2005: 184-198
9EEScott Contini: Greatest Common Divisor. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
8EEScott Contini: Least Common Multiple. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
7EEScott Contini, Çetin Kaya Koç, Colin D. Walter: Modular Arithmetic. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
6EEScott Contini: Modular Root. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
5EEScott Contini: Modulus. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
4EEScott Contini: Number Theory. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
3EEScott Contini, Yiqun Lisa Yin: Fast Software-Based Attacks on SecurID. FSE 2004: 454-471
2EEScott Contini, Ernie Croot, Igor Shparlinski: Complexity of Inverting the Euler Function Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(035): (2004)
1EEScott Contini, Ronald L. Rivest, Matthew J. B. Robshaw, Yiqun Lisa Yin: Improved Analysis of Some Simplified Variants of RC6. FSE 1999: 1-15

Coauthor Index

1Olivier Billet [15]
2Ernie Croot [2]
3Jian Guo [16]
4Çetin Kaya Koç [7]
5Arjen K. Lenstra [12]
6San Ling [16]
7Krystian Matusiewicz [14] [15] [16]
8Thomas Peyrin [15]
9Josef Pieprzyk [10] [14] [15] [16]
10Ronald L. Rivest [1]
11Matthew J. B. Robshaw [1]
12Igor Shparlinski [2] [11]
13Ron Steinfeld [10] [12] [16]
14Colin D. Walter [7]
15Huaxiong Wang [10] [16]
16Yiqun Lisa Yin [1] [3] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)