
Costanza Conti

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6EECostanza Conti, Rossana Morandi, Christophe Rabut: Locally tensor product functions in algebraic grid optimization. Applied Mathematics and Computation 197(2): 745-754 (2008)
5EECostanza Conti, Rossana Morandi, Francesca Pistella, Rosa Maria Spitaleri: Preface. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 75(5-6): 139-140 (2007)
4EECostanza Conti, Rossana Morandi, Rosa Maria Spitaleri: An algebraic-elliptic algorithm for boundary orthogonal grid generation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 162(1): 15-27 (2005)
3EECostanza Conti, Georg Zimmermann: Interpolatory rank-1 vector subdivision schemes. Computer Aided Geometric Design 2004: 341-351
2EECostanza Conti, Alessandra Sestini: Choosing nodes in parametric blending function interpolation. Computer-Aided Design 28(2): 135-143 (1996)
1EECostanza Conti, Rossana Morandi: Piecewise C1-Shape-Preserving Hermite Interpolation. Computing 56(4): 323-342 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Rossana Morandi [1] [4] [5] [6]
2Francesca Pistella [5]
3Christophe Rabut [6]
4Alessandra Sestini [2]
5Rosa Maria Spitaleri [4] [5]
6Georg Zimmermann [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)