
Jean-François Colonna

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4EEJean-François Colonna: Kepler, von Neumann and God (More rounding-off error visualizations). The Visual Computer 12(7): 346-349 (1996)
3EEJean-François Colonna: Are autostereograms useful for computer graphics and scientific visualization? The Visual Computer 11(7): 390-396 (1995)
2EEJean-François Colonna: Creativity and simplicity. The Visual Computer 11(8): 447-452 (1995)
1 Jean-François Colonna: Two 2D postprocessing tools and their applications to the improvement of 3D pictures. The Visual Computer 10(5): 239-242 (1994)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)