
Jean-Yves Colin

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4 Jean-Yves Colin, Moustafa Nakechbandi, Patrice Colin: A multi-valued DAG model and an optimal PERT-like Algorithm for the Distribution of Applications on Heterogeneous Computing Systems. PDPTA 2005: 876-882
3 Moustafa Nakechbandi, Christian Delaruelle, Jean-Yves Colin: Bounding the makespan of best pre-schedulings of task graphs with fixed communication delays and random execution times on a virtual distributed system. OPODIS 2002: 223-231
2 Jean-Yves Colin, Patrice Colin, Moustafa Nakechabandi, Frédéric Guinand: Scheduling Tasks with Communication Delays on Multi-Levels Clusters. PDPTA 1999: 2608-2614
1 Jean-Yves Colin, Philippe Chrétienne: Grain Size and Communication Channels on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors. PARCO 1993: 281-286

Coauthor Index

1Philippe Chrétienne [1]
2Patrice Colin [2] [4]
3Christian Delaruelle [3]
4Frédéric Guinand [2]
5Moustafa Nakechabandi [2]
6Moustafa Nakechbandi [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)