
Norman Coleman

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4 Zbigniew Bogdanowicz, Norman Coleman: New Algorithm for Optimization of Effect-Based Weapon-Target Pairings. CSC 2008: 3-8
3 Norman Coleman, Ken Lam, George Papanagopoulos, Ricky May, Ketula Patel, Jewon Lee, Ching-Fang Lin: Intelligent Systems for Multiple UAV Operations. IC-AI 2006: 453-456
2 Norman Coleman, Ken Lam, George Papanagopoulos, Ketula Patel, Ricky May, Ching-Fang Lin: Wide Area Wireless Networked Navigators. ICWN 2006: 416-422
1 Zbigniew Bogdanowicz, Norman Coleman: Efficient Methodology and Robust Infrastructure for Assigning Weapons to Targets. MSV/AMCS 2004: 289-295

Coauthor Index

1Zbigniew Bogdanowicz [1] [4]
2Ken Lam [2] [3]
3Jewon Lee [3]
4Ching-Fang Lin [2] [3]
5Ricky May [2] [3]
6George Papanagopoulos [2] [3]
7Ketula Patel [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)