
Martin Colbert

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9EEMartin Colbert, David Livingstone: Important context changes for talking and text messaging during homeward commutes. Behaviour & IT 25(5): 433-441 (2006)
8EEMartin Colbert: Usage and user experience of communication before and during rendezvous. Behaviour & IT 24(6): 449-469 (2005)
7EEMartin Colbert: User experience of communication before and during rendezvous: interim results. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 9(3): 134-141 (2005)
6EEMartin Colbert: Age differences rendezvousing: reminders for side-stepping. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 9(6): 404-412 (2005)
5EEMartin Colbert: Age Differences in Rendezvousing: 18-30s Vs. 31-45s. APCHI 2004: 91-100
4EEMartin Colbert: A Diary Study of Rendezvousing: Group Size, Time Pressure and Connectivity. Mobile HCI 2002: 21-35
3EEMartin Colbert: A diary study of rendezvousing: implications for position-aware computing and communications for the general public. GROUP 2001: 15-23
2EEMartin Colbert: The Application of Structured User Interface Development Methods to Data Intensive Systems: Some Common Characteristics. UIDIS 1999: 97-107
1EEMartin Colbert, Christof Peltason, Rolf Fricke, Mariana Sanderson: The Application of Process Models of Information Seeking During Conceptual Design: The Case of an Intranet Resource for the Re-Use of Multimedia Training Material in the Motor Industry. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 1997: 73-81

Coauthor Index

1Rolf Fricke [1]
2David Livingstone [9]
3Christof Peltason [1]
4Mariana Sanderson [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)