
Michael A. Cohen

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7EEStephen Grossberg, Krishna K. Govindarajan, Lonce L. Wyse, Michael A. Cohen: ARTSTREAM: a neural network model of auditory scene analysis and source segregation. Neural Networks 17(4): 511-536 (2004)
6EEBruce Fischl, Michael A. Cohen, Eric L. Schwartz: Rapid Anisotropic Diffusion Using Space-Variant Vision. International Journal of Computer Vision 28(3): 199-212 (1998)
5EEBruce Fischl, Michael A. Cohen, Eric L. Schwartz: The Local Structure of Space-variant Images. Neural Networks 10(5): 815-831 (1997)
4EEYuguang Fang, Michael A. Cohen, Thomas G. Kincaid: Dynamics of a Winner-Take-All Neural Network. Neural Networks 9(7): 1141-1154 (1996)
3EEMichael A. Cohen: The construction of arbitrary stable dynamics in nonlinear neural networks. Neural Networks 5(1): 83-103 (1992)
2EEMichael A. Cohen: The stability of sustained oscillations in symmetric cooperative-competitive networks. Neural Networks 3(6): 609-612 (1990)
1EEMichael A. Cohen: Sustained oscillations in a symmetric cooperative-competitive neural network: Disproof of a conjecture about content addressable memory. Neural Networks 1(3): 217-221 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Yuguang Fang [4]
2Bruce Fischl [5] [6]
3Krishna K. Govindarajan [7]
4Stephen Grossberg [7]
5Thomas G. Kincaid [4]
6Eric L. Schwartz [5] [6]
7Lonce L. Wyse (Lonce Wyse) [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)