
Maxine S. Cohen

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6EELaurie P. Dringus, Maxine S. Cohen: The HCI Educator's Open House: Exchanging Resources, Delivery Formats, Learning Strategies and Future Concerns. CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 123
5EEDavid A. Goldman, Richard R. Eckert, Maxine S. Cohen: Three-dimensional computation visualization for computer graphics rendering algorithms. SIGCSE 1996: 358-362
4EESusan B. Hornstein, Maxine S. Cohen, Laurie P. Dringus, Andrew Sears: Increasing collaboration between industry and academia in HCI education (abstract). CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 435-436
3 David G. Payne, Michael J. Wenger, Maxine S. Cohen: Cognitive Processing and Hypermedia Comprehension: A Preliminary Synthesis. HCI (2) 1993: 633-638
2 David G. Payne, Maxine S. Cohen, Richard Pastore: Computer-Based Task Representation: A Methodology for Improving System Design. Interacting with Computers 4(3): 267-288 (1992)
1EEJ. Michael Pratt, Maxine S. Cohen: A Process-Oriented Scientific Database Model. SIGMOD Record 21(3): 17-25 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Laurie P. Dringus [4] [6]
2Richard R. Eckert [5]
3David A. Goldman [5]
4Susan B. Hornstein [4]
5Richard Pastore [2]
6David G. Payne [2] [3]
7J. Michael Pratt [1]
8Andrew Sears [4]
9Michael J. Wenger [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)