
G. Cohen

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7EEG. Cohen, P. Grob: Mixed Higher Order Spectral Finite Elements for Reissner-Mindlin Equations. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 29(3): 986-1005 (2007)
6EEK. Barty, J.-P. Chancelier, G. Cohen, M. De Lara, T. Guilbaud, P. Carpentier: Dual effect free stochastic controls. Annals OR 142(1): 41-62 (2006)
5 G. Miller, G. Cohen: The rate of regular LDPC codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(11): 2989-2992 (2003)
4EEX.-R. Cao, G. Cohen, Alessandro Giua, W. Murray Wonham, Jan H. van Schuppen: Unity in Diversity, Diversity in Unity: Retrospective and Prospective Views on Control of Discrete Event Systems. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 12(3): 253-264 (2002)
3EEArnon Amir, Dulce B. Ponceleon, Brian Blanchard, Dragutin Petkovic, Savitha Srinivasan, G. Cohen: Using Audio Time Scale Modification for Video Browsing. HICSS 2000
2EEG. Cohen, P. Frankl: On tilings of the binary vector space. Discrete Mathematics 31(3): 271-277 (1980)
1 Albert Benveniste, P. Bernhard, J. Chatelon, G. Cohen: A New Algorithm for Gauss Markov Identification. Optimization Techniques 1974: 22-27

Coauthor Index

1Arnon Amir [3]
2K. Barty [6]
3Albert Benveniste [1]
4P. Bernhard [1]
5Brian Blanchard [3]
6X.-R. Cao [4]
7P. Carpentier [6]
8J.-P. Chancelier [6]
9J. Chatelon [1]
10P. Frankl [2]
11Alessandro Giua [4]
12P. Grob [7]
13T. Guilbaud [6]
14M. De Lara [6]
15G. Miller [5]
16Dragutin Petkovic [3]
17Dulce B. Ponceleon [3]
18Jan H. van Schuppen [4]
19Savitha Srinivasan [3]
20W. Murray Wonham [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)