
Richard Coggins

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9EEWeidong Zhou, Richard Coggins: A Biologically Inspired Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning System. Cybernetics and Systems 36(1): 1-44 (2005)
8EEAdam Blazejewski, Richard Coggins: Application of self-organizing maps to clustering of high-frequency Financial data. ACSW Frontiers 2004: 85-90
7EEWeidong Zhou, Richard Coggins: Biologically Inspired Reinforcement Learning: Reward-Based Decomposition for Multi-goal Environments. BioADIT 2004: 80-94
6 Weidong Zhou, Richard Coggins: Emotion-based Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. HIS 2003: 951-960
5EEKevin Lo, Richard Coggins: Intraday Analysis of Portfolios on the ASX Using ICA. IDEAL 2003: 934-938
4EEWeidong Zhou, Richard Coggins: Computational Models of the Amygdala and the Orbitofrontal Cortex: A Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning System for Robotic Control. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002: 419-430
3EERichard Coggins, Raymond J. Wang, Marwan A. Jabri: A Micropower CMOS Adaptive Amplitude and Shift Invariant Vector Quantiser. NIPS 1998: 671-677
2EERichard Coggins, Marwan A. Jabri, Barry Flower, Stephen Pickard: ICEG Morphology Classification using an Analogue VLSI Neural Network. NIPS 1994: 731-738
1EERichard Coggins, Marwan A. Jabri: WATTLE: A Trainable Gain Analogue VLSI Neural Network. NIPS 1993: 874-881

Coauthor Index

1Adam Blazejewski [8]
2Barry Flower [2]
3Marwan A. Jabri [1] [2] [3]
4Kevin Lo [5]
5Stephen Pickard [2]
6Raymond J. Wang [3]
7Weidong Zhou [4] [6] [7] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)