
Piotr Cofta

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7EEPiotr Cofta: The Googleplex. ICEC 2008: 12
6EEPiotr Cofta: Confidence-Compensating Privacy Protection. PST 2008: 65-74
5EEPiotr Cofta: Distrust. ICEC 2006: 250-258
4EEZheng Yan, Piotr Cofta: A Mechanism for Trust Sustainability Among Trusted Computing Platforms. TrustBus 2004: 11-19
3EEPiotr Cofta: Computing Recommendations to Trust. iTrust 2004: 340-346
2EEPiotr Cofta, Steve Crane: Towards the Intimate Trust Advisor. iTrust 2003: 123-135
1EEZheng Yan, Piotr Cofta: Methodology to Bridge Different Domains of Trust in Mobile Communications. iTrust 2003: 211-224

Coauthor Index

1Steve Crane [2]
2Zheng Yan [1] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)