
Juan Manuel Adán Coello

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6EEAlencar de Melo Jr., Maurício F. Magalhães, Juan Manuel Adán Coello: acket Scheduling for the Proportional Differentiation Model based on Measurement Windows. AINA 2007: 738-746
5EEJuan Manuel Adán Coello, Carlos Miguel Tobar, Ricardo Luís de Freitas, Armando Marin: Hopfilter: An Agent for Filtering Web Pages Based on the Hopfield Artificial Neural Network Model. BNCOD 2007: 164-167
4EEArmando Marin, Juan Manuel Adán Coello, João Luís Garcia Rosa, Carlos Miguel Tobar, Ricardo Luís de Freitas: Personalized Web Page Filtering Using a Hopfield Neural Network. ICANN (2) 2007: 417-424
3EEJuan Manuel Adán Coello, Ricardo F. de Andrade: Mining heuristics for scheduling distributed hard real-time tasks. SMC (2) 2004: 1527-1532
2EEAlencar de Melo Jr., Juan Manuel Adán Coello: Packet Scheduling Based on Learning in the Next Generation Internet Architectures. ISCC 2000: 773-778
1EEJuan Manuel Adán Coello, Ronaldo Camilo dos Santos: Integrating CBR and Heuristic Search for Learning and Reusing Solutions in Real-Time Task Scheduling. ICCBR 1999: 89-103

Coauthor Index

1Ricardo F. de Andrade [3]
2Ricardo Luís de Freitas [4] [5]
3Maurício F. Magalhães [6]
4Armando Marin [4] [5]
5Alencar de Melo Jr. [2] [6]
6João Luís Garcia Rosa [4]
7Ronaldo Camilo dos Santos [1]
8Carlos Miguel Tobar [4] [5]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)