
Michael Codish

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79EEElvira Albert, Puri Arenas, Michael Codish, Samir Genaim, Germán Puebla, Damiano Zanardini: Termination Analysis of Java Bytecode. FMOODS 2008: 2-18
78EEMichael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon, Peter J. Stuckey: Telecommunications Feature Subscription as a Partial Order Constraint Problem. ICLP 2008: 749-753
77EEAmir M. Ben-Amram, Michael Codish: A SAT-Based Approach to Size Change Termination with Global Ranking Functions. TACAS 2008: 218-232
76EEMichael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon, Peter J. Stuckey: Logic programming with satisfiability. TPLP 8(1): 121-128 (2008)
75EEOlga Ohrimenko, Peter J. Stuckey, Michael Codish: Propagation = Lazy Clause Generation. CP 2007: 544-558
74EEPeter Schneider-Kamp, Carsten Fuhs, René Thiemann, Jürgen Giesl, Elena Annov, Michael Codish, Aart Middeldorp, Harald Zankl: Implementing RPO and POLO using SAT. Deduction and Decision Procedures 2007
73EEPeter Schneider-Kamp, René Thiemann, Elena Annov, Michael Codish, Jürgen Giesl: Proving Termination Using Recursive Path Orders and SAT Solving. FroCos 2007: 267-282
72EEMichael Codish: Proving Termination with (Boolean) Satisfaction. LOPSTR 2007: 1-7
71EEMaurice Bruynooghe, Michael Codish, John P. Gallagher, Samir Genaim, Wim Vanhoof: Termination analysis of logic programs through combination of type-based norms. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 29(2): (2007)
70EEMichael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon, Peter J. Stuckey: Logic Programming with Satisfiability CoRR abs/cs/0702072: (2007)
69EEMichael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon, Peter Schachte, Peter J. Stuckey: Size-Change Termination Analysis in k-Bits. ESOP 2006: 230-245
68EEMichael Codish, Peter Schneider-Kamp, Vitaly Lagoon, René Thiemann, Jürgen Giesl: SAT Solving for Argument Filterings. LPAR 2006: 30-44
67EEMichael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon, Peter J. Stuckey: Solving Partial Order Constraints for LPO Termination. RTA 2006: 4-18
66EEMichael Codish, Peter Schneider-Kamp, Vitaly Lagoon, René Thiemann, Jürgen Giesl: SAT Solving for Argument Filterings CoRR abs/cs/0605074: (2006)
65EEMichael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon, Peter J. Stuckey: Testing for Termination with Monotonicity Constraints. ICLP 2005: 326-340
64EEMichael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon, Peter J. Stuckey: Solving Partial Order Constraints for LPO Termination CoRR abs/cs/0512067: (2005)
63EESamir Genaim, Michael Codish: Inferring Termination Conditions for Logic Programs using Backwards Analysis. TPLP 5(1-2): 75-91 (2005)
62 Michael Codish, Samir Genaim: Proving Termination One Loop at a Time. WLPE 2003: 48-59
61EESamir Genaim, Michael Codish: Inferring Termination Conditions for Logic Programs using Backwards Analysis CoRR cs.PL/0312023: (2003)
60EEMaurice Bruynooghe, Michael Codish, Samir Genaim, Wim Vanhoof: Reuse of Results in Termination Analysis of Typed Logic Programs. SAS 2002: 477-492
59EEMichael Codish, Harald Søndergaard: Meta-circular Abstract Interpretation in Prolog. The Essence of Computation 2002: 109-134
58EESamir Genaim, Michael Codish, John P. Gallagher, Vitaly Lagoon: Combining Norms to Prove Termination. VMCAI 2002: 126-138
57EESamir Genaim, Michael Codish: The Def-inite Approach to Dependency Analysis. ESOP 2001: 417-432
56EEMaurice Bruynooghe, Wim Vanhoof, Michael Codish: Pos(T): Analyzing Dependencies in Typed Logic Programs. Ershov Memorial Conference 2001: 406-420
55EEMichael Codish, Samir Genaim, Harald Søndergaard, Peter J. Stuckey: Higher-Precision Groundness Analysis. ICLP 2001: 135-149
54EESamir Genaim, Michael Codish: Inferring Termination Conditions for Logic Programs Using Backwards Analysis. LPAR 2001: 685-694
53 Samir Genaim, Jacob M. Howe, Michael Codish: Worst-case groundness analysis using definite boolean functions. TPLP 1(5): 611-615 (2001)
52 Michael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon, Francisco Bueno: An Algebraic Approach to Sharing Analysis of Logic Programs. J. Log. Program. 42(2): 111-149 (2000)
51 Michael Codish, Kim Marriott, Cohavit Taboch: Improving Program Analyses, by Structure Untupling. J. Log. Program. 43(3): 251-263 (2000)
50 Andy Heaton, Muhamed Abo-Zaed, Michael Codish, Andy King: A simple polynomial groundness analysis for logic programs. J. Log. Program. 45(1-3): 143-156 (2000)
49EEMichael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon: Type dependencies for logic programs using ACI-unification. Theor. Comput. Sci. 238(1-2): 131-159 (2000)
48EEMichael Codish, Harald Søndergaard, Peter J. Stuckey: Sharing and groundness dependencies in logic programs. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 21(5): 948-976 (1999)
47 Michael Codish: Efficient Goal Directed Bottom-Up Evaluation of Logic Programs. J. Log. Program. 38(3): 355-370 (1999)
46 Michael Codish, Cohavit Taboch: A Semantic Basis for the Termination Analysis of Logic Programs. J. Log. Program. 41(1): 103-123 (1999)
45 Michael Codish: Worst-Case Groundness Analysis Using Positive Boolean Functions. J. Log. Program. 41(1): 125-128 (1999)
44EEMichael Codish, Harald Søndergaard: The Boolean Logic of Set Sharing Analysis. PLILP/ALP 1998: 89-101
43EEMichael Codish, Bart Demoen, Konstantinos F. Sagonas: Semantics-Based Program Analysis for Logic-Based Languages Using XSB. STTT 2(1): 29-45 (1998)
42 Michael Codish, Cohavit Taboch: A Semantic Basis for Termination Analysis of Logic Programs and Its Realization Using Symbolic Norm Constraints. ALP/HOA 1997: 31-45
41 Michael Codish, Cohavit Taboch: A Semantic Basis for Termination Analysis of Logic Programs and its Realization Using Symbolic Norm Constraints. APPIA-GULP-PRODE 1997: 545-556
40 Michael Codish, Bart Demoen, Konstantinos F. Sagonas: XSB as the Natural Habitat for General Purpose Program Analysis. ICLP 1997: 416
39 Francisco Bueno, Michael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon: Sharing Analysis Using Set Logic Programs. ICLP 1997: 417
38 Michael Codish: Efficient Goal Directed Bottom-up Evaluation of Logic Programs. ICLP 1997: 422
37 Michael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon, Francisco Bueno: An Algebraic Approach to Sharing Analysis of Logic Programs. SAS 1997: 68-82
36 Michael Codish, Moreno Falaschi, Kim Marriott, William H. Winsborough: A Confluent Semantic Basis for the Analysis of Concurrent Constraint Logic Programs. J. Log. Program. 30(1): 53-81 (1997)
35 Michael Codish, Maurice Bruynooghe, Maria J. García de la Banda, Manuel V. Hermenegildo: Exploiting Goal Independence in the Analysis of Logic Programs. J. Log. Program. 32(3): 247-261 (1997)
34 Michael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon, Francisco Bueno: Sharing Analysis for Logic Programs using Set Logic Programs. APPIA-GULP-PRODE 1996: 29-40
33 Michael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon: Type Dependencies for Logic Programs Using ACI-Unification. ISTCS 1996: 136-145
32 Michael Codish, Dennis Dams, Gilberto Filé, Maurice Bruynooghe: On the Design of a Correct Freeness Analysis for Logic Programs. J. Log. Program. 28(3): 181-206 (1996)
31EEMichael Codish, Grigory Mashevitzky: Proving Implications by Algebraic Approximation. Theor. Comput. Sci. 165(1): 57-74 (1996)
30 Maurice Bruynooghe, Michael Codish, Anne Mulkers: Abstracting Unification: A Key Step in the Design of Logic Program Analyses. Computer Science Today 1995: 406-425
29EEMichael Codish, Anne Mulkers, Maurice Bruynooghe, Maria J. García de la Banda, Manuel V. Hermenegildo: Improving Abstract Interpretations by Combining Domains. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 17(1): 28-44 (1995)
28 Roberto Barbuti, Michael Codish, Roberto Giacobazzi, Michael J. Maher: Oracle Semantics for Prolog. Inf. Comput. 122(2): 178-200 (1995)
27 Michael Codish, Bart Demoen: Analyzing Logic Programs Using "PROP"-ositional Logic Programs and a Magic Wand. J. Log. Program. 25(3): 249-274 (1995)
26 Michael Codish, Grigory Mashevitzky: Proving Implications by Algebraic Approximation. ALP 1994: 6-22
25 Michael Codish, Bart Demoen: Deriving Polymorphic Type Dependencies for Logic Programs using Multiple Incarnations of Prop. GULP-PRODE (1) 1994: 327-341
24 Michael Codish, Maria J. García de la Banda, Maurice Bruynooghe, Manuel V. Hermenegildo: Goal Dependent versus Goal Independent Analysis of Logic Programs. LPAR 1994: 305-319
23 Michael Codish, Bart Demoen: Deriving Polymorphic Type Dependencies for Logic Programs Using Multiple Incarnations of Prop. SAS 1994: 281-296
22EEMichael Codish, Moreno Falaschi, Kim Marriott: Suspension Analyses for Concurrent Logic Programs. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 16(3): 649-686 (1994)
21 Michael Codish, Dennis Dams, Eyal Yardeni: Bottom-up Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 124(1): 93-125 (1994)
20 Michael Codish, Moreno Falaschi, Kim Marriott, William H. Winsborough: Efficient Analysis of Concurrent Constraint Logic Programs. ICALP 1993: 633-644
19 Veroniek Dumortier, Gerda Janssens, Maurice Bruynooghe, Michael Codish: Freeness Analysis in the Presence of Numerical Constraints. ICLP 1993: 100-115
18 Michael Codish, Dennis Dams, Gilberto Filé, Maurice Bruynooghe: Freeness Analysis for Logic Programs - And Correctness? ICLP 1993: 116-131
17 Michael Codish, Bart Demoen: Analysing Logic Programs Using `Prop'-ositional Logic Programs and a Magic Wand. ILPS 1993: 114-129
16 Michael Codish, Anne Mulkers, Maurice Bruynooghe, Maria J. García de la Banda, Manuel V. Hermenegildo: Improving Abstract Interpretations by Combining Domains. PEPM 1993: 194-205
15 Michael Codish, Saumya K. Debray, Roberto Giacobazzi: Compositional Analysis of Modular Logic Programs. POPL 1993: 451-464
14 Maurice Bruynooghe, Michael Codish: Freeness, Sharing, Linearity and Correctness - All at Once. WSA 1993: 153-164
13 Roberto Barbuti, Michael Codish, Roberto Giacobazzi, Giorgio Levi: Modelling Prolog Control. J. Log. Comput. 3(6): 579-603 (1993)
12 Roberto Barbuti, Michael Codish, Roberto Giacobazzi, Michael J. Maher: Oracle Semantics for Prolog. ALP 1992: 100-114
11 Roberto Barbuti, Michael Codish, Roberto Giacobazzi, Giorgio Levi: Modeling Prolog Control. POPL 1992: 95-104
10 Michael Codish, Moreno Falaschi, Kim Marriott, William H. Winsborough: Efficient Analysis of Reactive Properties of Concurrent Constraint Logic Programs. WSA 1992: 35-42
9 Michael Codish, Moreno Falaschi, Kim Marriott: Suspension Analysis for Concurrent Logic Programs. ICLP 1991: 331-345
8 Michael Codish, Dennis Dams, Eyal Yardeni: Derivation and Safety of an Abstract Unification Algorithm for Groundness and Aliasing Analysis. ICLP 1991: 79-93
7 Roberto Barbuti, Michael Codish, Roberto Giacobazzi, Giorgio Levi: Modelling Prolog Control. JTASPEFT/WSA 1991: 117-124
6 Rob Gerth, Michael Codish, Yossi Lichtenstein, Ehud Y. Shapiro: Fully Abstract Denotational Semantics for Flat Concurrent Prolog LICS 1988: 320-335
5 Michael Codish, John P. Gallagher, Ehud Y. Shapiro: Using Safe Approximations of Fixed Points for Analysis of Logic Programs. META 1988: 233-261
4 John P. Gallagher, Michael Codish, Ehud Y. Shapiro: Specialisation of Prolog and FCP Programs Using Abstract Interpretation. New Generation Comput. 6(2&3): 159-186 (1988)
3 Michael Codish, Ehud Y. Shapiro: Compiling OR-parallelism into AND-parallelism. New Generation Comput. 5(1): 45-61 (1987)
2 Michael Codish, Ehud Y. Shapiro: Compiling OR-parallelism into AND-parallelism. ICLP 1986: 283-297
1 Leon Sterling, Michael Codish: Pressing for Parallelism: A Prolog Program made Concurrent. J. Log. Program. 3(1): 75-92 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Muhamed Abo-Zaed [50]
2Elvira Albert [79]
3Elena Annov [73] [74]
4Puri Arenas (Puri Arenas-Sánchez) [79]
5Maria Garcia de la Banda (Maria J. García de la Banda) [16] [24] [29] [35]
6Roberto Barbuti [7] [11] [12] [13] [28]
7Amir M. Ben-Amram [77]
8Maurice Bruynooghe [14] [16] [18] [19] [24] [29] [30] [32] [35] [56] [60] [71]
9Francisco Bueno [34] [37] [39] [52]
10Dennis Dams [8] [18] [21] [32]
11Saumya K. Debray [15]
12Bart Demoen [17] [23] [25] [27] [40] [43]
13Veroniek Dumortier [19]
14Moreno Falaschi [9] [10] [20] [22] [36]
15Gilberto Filé [18] [32]
16Carsten Fuhs [74]
17John P. Gallagher [4] [5] [58] [71]
18Samir Genaim [53] [54] [55] [57] [58] [60] [61] [62] [63] [71] [79]
19Rob Gerth [6]
20Roberto Giacobazzi [7] [11] [12] [13] [15] [28]
21Jürgen Giesl [66] [68] [73] [74]
22Andy Heaton [50]
23Manuel V. Hermenegildo [16] [24] [29] [35]
24Jacob M. Howe [53]
25Gerda Janssens [19]
26Andy King [50]
27Vitaly Lagoon [33] [34] [37] [39] [49] [52] [58] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [76] [78]
28Giorgio Levi [7] [11] [13]
29Yossi Lichtenstein [6]
30Michael J. Maher [12] [28]
31Kim Marriott [9] [10] [20] [22] [36] [51]
32Grigory Mashevitzky [26] [31]
33Aart Middeldorp [74]
34Anne Mulkers [16] [29] [30]
35Olga Ohrimenko [75]
36Germán Puebla (German Puebla) [79]
37Konstantinos F. Sagonas [40] [43]
38Peter Schachte [69]
39Peter Schneider-Kamp [66] [68] [73] [74]
40Ehud Y. Shapiro [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
41Harald Søndergaard [44] [48] [55] [59]
42Leon Sterling [1]
43Peter J. Stuckey [48] [55] [64] [65] [67] [69] [70] [75] [76] [78]
44Cohavit Taboch [41] [42] [46] [51]
45René Thiemann [66] [68] [73] [74]
46Wim Vanhoof [56] [60] [71]
47William H. Winsborough [10] [20] [36]
48Eyal Yardeni [8] [21]
49Damiano Zanardini [79]
50Harald Zankl [74]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)