
Adrian N. Cockcroft

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9 Adrian N. Cockcroft: Millicomputing: The Coolest Computers and the Flashiest Storage. Int. CMG Conference 2007: 407-414
8 Adrian N. Cockcroft: Unix/Linux CMG Quick Start Course. Int. CMG Conference 2007: 503-504
7EEAdrian N. Cockcroft: Simulation of Skype Peer-to-peer Web Services Choreography Using Occam-Pi. CEC/EEE 2006: 88
6 Adrian N. Cockcroft: Utilization is virtually useless as a metric! Int. CMG Conference 2006: 557-562
5 Adrian N. Cockcroft: Workload Bottleneck Analysis for Solaris. Int. CMG Conference 1999: 497-507
4 Adrian N. Cockcroft: CPU Time Measurement Errors. Int. CMG Conference 1998: 209-218
3 Adrian N. Cockcroft: Managing the UNIX Mainframe. Int. CMG Conference 1998: 761-771
2 Adrian N. Cockcroft: Performance Implications of Java Based Network Computers. Int. CMG Conference 1997: 748-759
1 Adrian N. Cockcroft, Allan N. Packer: The Performance of ORACLE Financials on Various SPARCserver Configurations. Int. CMG Conference 1994: 475-482

Coauthor Index

1Allan N. Packer [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)