
Don Cochrane

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6 Raymond Larsson, Don Cochrane: Engineering a TMN in an Open Distributed Processing Environment. IS&N 1995: 159-171
5 Don Cochrane: User Perspectives on Service Engineering - Introduction. IS&N 1995: 358-359
4 D. C. Doyle, Don Cochrane: Service / Resource Discovery and Allocation. IS&N 1994: 455-466
3 Linda Strick, Jens Meinköhn, Don Cochrane: ODP - a Frameowrk for Defining Service Management Reference Configurations. Open Distributed Processing 1993: 301-314
2 Don Cochrane: User Applications for ISDN. INDC 1988: 293-301
1 Don Cochrane: Easing the Migration into the Future of Communications Technology. Computer Networks 14: 323-329 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1D. C. Doyle [4]
2Raymond Larsson [6]
3Jens Meinköhn [3]
4Linda Strick [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)