
Ruth Cobos

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8EEMatthias Nickles, Ruth Cobos: An Approach to Description Logic with Support for Propositional Attitudes and Belief Fusion. URSW (LNCS Vol.) 2008: 124-142
7EEClarissa Falge, Ruth Cobos, Georg Groh: Classification and Ontology Maintenance in Agent-Based Knowledge Management Frameworks: A Prototypical Approach. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2007: 276-279
6EEMatthias Nickles, Ruth Cobos: Social Contexts and the Probabilistic Fusion and Ranking of Opinions: Towards a Social Semantics for the Semantic Web. URSW 2006
5EEGraciela Garcia, Ruth Cobos: ESMAP: A Multi-agent Platform for Extending a Knowledge Management System. Web Intelligence 2006: 59-65
4EEMatthias Nickles, Ruth Cobos, Gerhard Weiß, Tina Froehner: Multi-Source Knowledge Bases and Ontologies with Multiple Individual and Social Viewpoints. Web Intelligence 2005: 62-66
3EERuth Cobos, Johann H. Schlichter: Collaborative Knowledge Transfer by Annotating Documents. PAKM 2004: 153-158
2EERuth Cobos, Xavier Alamán: From collective knowledge to e-books. SAC 2002: 525-529
1EEXavier Alamán, Ruth Cobos: KnowCat: A Web Application for Knowledge Organization. ER (Workshops) 1999: 348-359

Coauthor Index

1Xavier Alamán (Xavier Alamán Roldán) [1] [2]
2Clarissa Falge [7]
3Tina Froehner [4]
4Graciela Garcia [5]
5Georg Groh [7]
6Matthias Nickles [4] [6] [8]
7Johann H. Schlichter [3]
8Gerhard Weiß [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)