
Terence Clifton

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3EETerence Clifton, William John Teahan: Knowing-Aboutness: Question-Answering Using a Logic-Based Framework. ECIR 2005: 230-244
2EETerence Clifton: Real-Time Simulation of Small-Scale Impact Debris Using Hierarchical Particle Systems. TPCG 2004: 226-232
1EETerence Clifton, Alex Colquhoun, William John Teahan: Bangor at TREC 2003: Q&A and Genomics Tracks. TREC 2003: 600-611

Coauthor Index

1Alex Colquhoun [1]
2William John Teahan (W. J. Teahan) [1] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)