
Philippe Clermont

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4 Anne Garcia, Daniel Noyes, Philippe Clermont: Knowledge distribution in e-maintenance activities. CDM 2008: 344-355
3EECitlalih Gutierrez Estrada, Claude Baron, Laurent Geneste, Philippe Clermont, Daniel Esteve, Samuel Rochet: How to interconnect product design and project management including experience feedback and reusability requirements. IRI 2005: 294-299
2 Holitiana Rakoto, Philippe Clermont, Laurent Geneste: Elaboration and Exploitation of Lessons Learned. Intelligent Information Processing 2002: 297-300
1 Philippe Clermont, Nicolas Paris: HyperParallel Technologies : HyperC: Portable Parallel Programming in C. IPPS 1994: 682-687

Coauthor Index

1Claude Baron [3]
2Daniel Esteve [3]
3Citlalih Gutierrez Estrada [3]
4Anne Garcia [4]
5Laurent Geneste [2] [3]
6Daniel Noyes [4]
7Nicolas Paris [1]
8Holitiana Rakoto [2]
9Samuel Rochet [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)