
Peter J. Clarke

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29EEJose Andre Morales, Peter J. Clarke, Yi Deng: Characterizing and Detecting Virus Replication. ICONS 2008: 214-219
28EEAndrew A. Allen, Sean Leslie, Yali Wu, Peter J. Clarke, Ricardo Tirado: Self-Configuring User-Centric Communication Services. ICONS 2008: 253-259
27EERichard Whittaker, Gonzalo Argote-Garcia, Peter J. Clarke, Raimund K. Ege: Optimizing Secure Collaboration Transactions for Modern Information Systems. ICONS 2008: 62-68
26EERichard Whittaker, Gonzalo Argote-Garcia, Peter J. Clarke, Raimund K. Ege: Decentralized mediation security. IPDPS 2008: 1-6
25EETariq M. King, Alain E. Ramirez, Peter J. Clarke, Barbara Quinones-Morales: A reusable object-oriented design to support self-testable autonomic software. SAC 2008: 1664-1669
24 Gonzalo Argote-Garcia, Peter J. Clarke, Xudong He, Yujian Fu, Leyuan Shi: A Formal Approach for Translating a SAM Architecture to PROMELA. SEKE 2008: 440-447
23 Yanelis Hernandez, Tariq M. King, Jairo Pava, Peter J. Clarke: A Meta-model to Support Regression Testing of Web Applications. SEKE 2008: 500-505
22EEJose Andre Morales, Peter J. Clarke, Yi Deng, B. M. Golam Kibria: Characterization of virus replication. Journal in Computer Virology 4(3): 221-234 (2008)
21EEYi Deng, Seyed Masoud Sadjadi, Peter J. Clarke, Vagelis Hristidis, Raju Rangaswami, Yingbo Wang: CVM - A communication virtual machine. Journal of Systems and Software 81(10): 1640-1662 (2008)
20EEPeter J. Clarke, Djuradj Babich, Tariq M. King, B. M. Golam Kibria: Analyzing clusters of class characteristics in OO applications. Journal of Systems and Software 81(12): 2269-2286 (2008)
19 Peter J. Clarke, Yingbo Wang, Tuan L. Cameron, Yali Wu: Using Communication Objects During Requirements Analysis. SETP 2007: 213-220
18EETariq M. King, Alain E. Ramirez, Rodolfo Cruz, Peter J. Clarke: An Integrated Self-Testing Framework for Autonomic Computing Systems. JCP 2(9): 37-49 (2007)
17EEJonatan Alava, Tariq M. King, Peter J. Clarke: Automatic Validation of Java Page Flows Using Model-Based Coverage Criteria. COMPSAC (1) 2006: 439-446
16EEYi Deng, Seyed Masoud Sadjadi, Peter J. Clarke, Chi Zhang, Vagelis Hristidis, Raju Rangaswami, Nagarajan Prabakar: A Communication Virtual Machine. COMPSAC (1) 2006: 521-531
15 Yingbo Wang, Peter J. Clarke, Yi Deng: Communication Model to Support Rapid Application Development. Communications in Computing 2006: 185-191
14EEVagelis Hristidis, Peter J. Clarke, Nagarajan Prabakar, Yi Deng, Jeffrey A. White, Redmond P. Burke: A flexible approach for electronic medical records exchange. HIKM 2006: 33-40
13 Richard Whittaker, Gonzalo Argote-Garcia, Peter J. Clarke, Raimund K. Ege: Collaboration Security for Modern Information Systems. SECRYPT 2006: 363-370
12 Djuradj Babich, Kayan Chiu, Peter J. Clarke: TaxTOOLJ: A Tool to Catalog Java Classes. SEKE 2006: 375-380
11EEPeter J. Clarke, Junhua Ding, Djuradj Babich, Brian A. Malloy: A Tool to Automatically Map Implementation-based Testing Techniques to Classes. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 16(4): 585-614 (2006)
10EEJose Andre Morales, Peter J. Clarke, Yi Deng, B. M. Golam Kibria: Testing and evaluating virus detectors for handheld devices. Journal in Computer Virology 2(2): 135-147 (2006)
9EENicholas A. Kraft, Errol L. Lloyd, Brian A. Malloy, Peter J. Clarke: The implementation of an extensible system for comparison and visualization of class ordering methodologies. Journal of Systems and Software 79(8): 1092-1109 (2006)
8EEJunhua Ding, Peter J. Clarke, Dianxiang Xu, Xudong He, Yi Deng: A formal model-based approach for developing an interoperable mobile agent system. Multiagent and Grid Systems 2(4): 401-412 (2006)
7EEPeter J. Clarke, Junhua Ding, Brian A. Malloy: A Tool to Map Testing Techniques to Classes. ITCC (2) 2005: 821-822
6 Junhua Ding, Dianxiang Xu, Yi Deng, Peter J. Clarke, Xudong He: Design an Interoperable Mobile Agent System Based on Predicate Transition Net Models. SEKE 2005: 560-565
5EEDavid Crowther, Djuradj Babich, Peter J. Clarke: A Class Abstraction Technique to Support the Analysis of Java Programs During Testing. SERA 2005: 22-29
4EEPeter J. Clarke, Brian A. Malloy: A Taxonomy of OO Classes to Support the Mapping of Testing Techniques to a Class. Journal of Object Technology 4(5): 95-115 (2005)
3 Peter J. Clarke, Brian A. Malloy: Using a taxonomy to analyze classes during implementation-based testing. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications 2004: 288-293
2EEPeter J. Clarke, Brian A. Malloy, J. Paul Gibson: Using a Taxonomy Tool to Identify Changes in OO Softwar. CSMR 2003: 213-222
1EEBrian A. Malloy, Peter J. Clarke, Errol L. Lloyd: A Parameterized Cost Model to Order Classes for Class-based Testing of C++ Applications. ISSRE 2003: 353-364

Coauthor Index

1Jonatan Alava [17]
2Andrew A. Allen [28]
3Gonzalo Argote-Garcia [13] [24] [26] [27]
4Djuradj Babich [5] [11] [12] [20]
5Redmond P. Burke [14]
6Tuan L. Cameron [19]
7Kayan Chiu [12]
8David Crowther [5]
9Rodolfo Cruz [18]
10Yi Deng [6] [8] [10] [14] [15] [16] [21] [22] [29]
11Junhua Ding [6] [7] [8] [11]
12Raimund K. Ege [13] [26] [27]
13Yujian Fu [24]
14J. Paul Gibson [2]
15Xudong He [6] [8] [24]
16Yanelis Hernandez [23]
17Vagelis Hristidis [14] [16] [21]
18B. M. Golam Kibria [10] [20] [22]
19Tariq M. King [17] [18] [20] [23] [25]
20Nicholas A. Kraft [9]
21Sean Leslie [28]
22Errol L. Lloyd [1] [9]
23Brian A. Malloy [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [9] [11]
24Jose Andre Morales [10] [22] [29]
25Jairo Pava [23]
26Nagarajan Prabakar [14] [16]
27Barbara Quinones-Morales [25]
28Alain E. Ramirez [18] [25]
29Raju Rangaswami [16] [21]
30Seyed Masoud Sadjadi [16] [21]
31Leyuan Shi [24]
32Ricardo Tirado [28]
33Yingbo Wang [15] [19] [21]
34Jeffrey A. White [14]
35Richard Whittaker [13] [26] [27]
36Yali Wu [19] [28]
37Dianxiang Xu [6] [8]
38Chi Zhang [16]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)