
Claudio Ciborra

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8 Claudio Ciborra, Diego D. Navarra: Good Governance and Development Aid: Risks and Challenges of E-Government in Jordan. Information Systems Perspectives and Challenges in the Context of Globalization 2003: 387-402
7 Claudio Ciborra: The Transaction Costs Analysis of the Customer-Supplier Relationships in Product Development. The Case of the Car Manufacturing Industry. Cooperative Knowledge Processing for Engineering Design 1999: 181-204
6EEClaudio Ciborra, Ole Hanseth: Toward a contingency view of infrastructure and knowledge: an exploratory study. ICIS 1998: 263-272
5 Claudio Ciborra, Hans Oppelland, Tapio Reponen: New Thinking in Information Systems Education for Managers: A European Perspective. ICIS 1992: 289
4EEIan Benson, Claudio Ciborra, Steve Proffitt: Some Social and Economic Consequences of Groupware for Flight Crew. CSCW 1990: 119-129
3EEClaudio Ciborra, Margrethe H. Olson: Encountering Electronic Work Groups: A Transaction Costs Perspective. CSCW 1988: 94-101
2 Claudio Ciborra, G. Gasbarri, Piercarlo Maggiolini: A participative approach to systems analysis: an action research in the local government. ECI 1978: 62-81
1 Emilio Bartezzaghi, Claudio Ciborra, Paolo Romano, Piercarlo Maggiolini: Information Systems and Organization - Empirical Findings Regarding the Introduction of Computers in Manufacturing Firms. IFIP Congress 1977: 223-227

Coauthor Index

1Emilio Bartezzaghi [1]
2Ian Benson [4]
3G. Gasbarri [2]
4Ole Hanseth [6]
5Piercarlo Maggiolini [1] [2]
6Diego D. Navarra [8]
7Margrethe H. Olson [3]
8Hans Oppelland [5]
9Steve Proffitt [4]
10Tapio Reponen [5]
11Paolo Romano [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)