
Giuseppe Ciaccio

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23EEGiuseppe Ciaccio: A Pretty Flexible API for Generic Peer-to-Peer Programming. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
22EEGiuseppe Ciaccio: Recipient Anonymity in a Structured Overlay. AICT/ICIW 2006: 102
21EEAlessandro Di Marco, Giuseppe Ciaccio: Efficient Many-to-One Communication for a Distributed RAID. CCGRID 2006: 438-445
20EEGiuseppe Ciaccio: Improving Sender Anonymity in a Structured Overlay with Imprecise Routing. Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2006: 190-207
19EEAlessandro Di Marco, Giovanni Chiola, Giuseppe Ciaccio: Using a Gigabit Ethernet Cluster as a Distributed Disk Array with Multiple Fault Tolerance. LCN 2003: 605-613
18EEGiuseppe Ciaccio: Using a Self-connected Gigabit Ethernet Adapter as a memcpy() Low-Overhead Engine for MPI. PVM/MPI 2003: 247-256
17EEGiuseppe Ciaccio: Messaging on Gigabit Ethernet: Some Experiments with GAMMA and Other Systems. Cluster Computing 6(2): 143-151 (2003)
16EEGiuseppe Ciaccio, Marco Ehlert, Bettina Schnor: Exploiting Gigabit Ethernet Capacity for Cluster Applications. LCN 2002: 669-678
15 Giuseppe Ciaccio: Messaging on Gigabit Ethernet: Some Experiments with GAMMA and Other Systems. IPDPS 2001: 161
14 Giovanni Chiola, Giuseppe Ciaccio, Cosimo Anglano: On the Use of Coscheduling in Fast Communication Systems. Parallel Processing Letters 11(2/3): 223-236 (2001)
13EEGiuseppe Ciaccio, Giovanni Chiola: Low-cost Gigabit Ethernet at Work. CLUSTER 2000: 359-360
12EEGiuseppe Ciaccio, Giovanni Chiola: GAMMA and MPI/GAMMA on Gigabit Ethernet. PVM/MPI 2000: 129-136
11 Giovanni Chiola, Giuseppe Ciaccio: Efficient parallel processing on low-cost clusters with GAMMA active ports. Parallel Computing 26(2-3): 333-354 (2000)
10 Giovanni Chiola, Giuseppe Ciaccio, Luigi V. Mancini, Pierluigi Rotondo: GAMMA on DEC 2114x with Efficient Flow Control. PDPTA 1999: 2337-2343
9EEGiovanni Chiola, Giuseppe Ciaccio: Fast Barrier Synchronization on Shared Fast Ethernet. CANPC 1998: 132-143
8EEGiovanni Chiola, Giuseppe Ciaccio: Active Ports: A Performance-Oriented Operating System Support to Fast LAN Communications. Euro-Par 1998: 620-624
7 Giuseppe Ciaccio, V. DiMartino, P. Lanucara: Porting the Flame Front Propagation Problem on GAMMA. HPCN Europe 1998: 884-886
6 Giuseppe Ciaccio, Vincenzo Di Martino: Porting a Molecular Dynamics Application on a Low-Cost Cluster of Personal Computer Running GAMMA. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1998: 524-533
5 Giuseppe Ciaccio: Optimal Communication Performance on Fast Ethernet with GAMMA. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1998: 534-548
4 Giovanni Chiola, Giuseppe Ciaccio: Architectural Issues and Preliminary Benchmarking of a Low-cost Network of Workstations based on Active Messages. ARCS 1997: 301-310
3 Giovanni Chiola, Giuseppe Ciaccio: GAMMA: A low-cost network of workstations based on active messages. PDP 1997: 78-83
2 Giovanni Chiola, Giuseppe Ciaccio: Implementing a Low Cost, Low Latency Parallel Platform. Parallel Computing 22(13): 1703-1717 (1997)
1 Tommaso Bolognesi, Giuseppe Ciaccio: Cumulating constraints on the "WHEN" and the "WHAT". FORTE 1993: 433-448

Coauthor Index

1Cosimo Anglano [14]
2Tommaso Bolognesi [1]
3Giovanni Chiola [2] [3] [4] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [19]
4V. DiMartino [7]
5Marco Ehlert [16]
6P. Lanucara [7]
7Luigi V. Mancini [10]
8Alessandro Di Marco [19] [21]
9Vincenzo Di Martino [6]
10Pierluigi Rotondo [10]
11Bettina Schnor [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)