
Nadia A. Chuzhanova

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4 Vladimir D. Gusev, Lubov A. Nemytikova, Nadia A. Chuzhanova: On the complexity measures of genetic sequences. Bioinformatics 15(12): 994-999 (1999)
3 Nadia A. Chuzhanova, Antonia J. Jones, Steve Margetts: Feature selection for genetic sequence classification. Bioinformatics 14(2): 139-143 (1998)
2 Vladimir D. Gusev, Nadia A. Chuzhanova: The Algorithms of Recognition of the Functional Sites in Genetic Texts. ALT 1990: 109-119
1 Nadia A. Chuzhanova: Inductive Synthesis of Programs for Symbolic Sequences Processing. AII 1989: 317-327

Coauthor Index

1Vladimir D. Gusev [2] [4]
2Antonia J. Jones [3]
3Steve Margetts [3]
4Lubov A. Nemytikova [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)