
Yoon Jung Chung

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5EEIn-Jung Kim, Yoon Jung Chung, YoungGyo Lee, Eul-Gyu Im, Dongho Won: Information System Modeling for Analysis of Propagation Effects and Levels of Damage. ICCSA (3) 2006: 54-63
4EEYoon Jung Chung, In-Jung Kim, Chulsoo Lee, Eul-Gyu Im, Dongho Won: Design of an On-Line Intrusion Forecast System with a Weather Forecasting Model. ICCSA (4) 2006: 777-786
3EEYoon Jung Chung, In-Jung Kim, Namhoon Lee, Taek Lee, Hoh Peter In: Security Risk Vector for Quantitative Asset Assessment. ICCSA (2) 2005: 274-283
2EEIn-Jung Kim, Yoon Jung Chung, YoungGyo Lee, Dongho Won: A Time-Variant Risk Analysis and Damage Estimation for Large-Scale Network Systems. ICCSA (2) 2005: 92-101
1EEYoung-Gab Kim, Taek Lee, Hoh Peter In, Yoon Jung Chung, In-Jung Kim, Doo-Kwon Baik: A Probabilistic Approach to Estimate the Damage Propagation of Cyber Attacks. ICISC 2005: 175-185

Coauthor Index

1Doo-Kwon Baik [1]
2Eul-Gyu Im [4] [5]
3Hoh Peter In (Hoh In) [1] [3]
4In-Jung Kim [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Young-Gab Kim [1]
6Chulsoo Lee [4]
7Namhoon Lee [3]
8Taek Lee [1] [3]
9YoungGyo Lee [2] [5]
10Dongho Won [2] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)