
S. K. Chung

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4EEK. J. Bai, S. M. Choo, S. K. Chung, D. Y. Kim: Numerical solutions for nonlinear free surface flows by finite element methods. Applied Mathematics and Computation 163(2): 941-959 (2005)
3EES. K. Han, Y. I. Choi, S. K. Chung: An analytic model for breakdown voltage of gated diodes. Microelectronics Journal 34(5-8): 525-527 (2003)
2EEE. K. Choi, Y. I. Choi, S. K. Chung: Breakdown voltage and on-resistance of multi-RESURF LDMOS. Microelectronics Journal 34(5-8): 683-686 (2003)
1 S. K. Chung, Edward D. Lazowska, David Notkin, John Zahorjan: Performance Implications of Design Alternatives for Remote Procedure Call Stubs. ICDCS 1989: 36-43

Coauthor Index

1K. J. Bai [4]
2E. K. Choi [2]
3Y. I. Choi [2] [3]
4S. M. Choo [4]
5S. K. Han [3]
6D. Y. Kim [4]
7Edward D. Lazowska [1]
8David Notkin [1]
9John Zahorjan [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)