
Q. B. Chung

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5EEWayne G. Bremser, Q. B. Chung: A framework for performance measurement in the e-business environment. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 4(4): 395-412 (2005)
4EEElliot B. Sloane, Matthew J. Liberatore, Robert L. Nydick, Wenhong Luo, Q. B. Chung: Using the analytic hierarchy process as a clinical engineering tool to facilitate an iterative, multidisciplinary, microeconomic health technology assessment. Computers & OR 30(10): 1447-1465 (2003)
3EEWilliam P. Wagner, Q. B. Chung, M. K. Najdawi: The impact of problem domains and knowledge acquisition techniques: a content analysis of P/OM expert system case studies. Expert Syst. Appl. 24(1): 79-86 (2003)
2EEP. C. Bloom, Q. B. Chung: Lessons learned from developing a mission-critical expert system with multiple experts through rapid prototyping. Expert Syst. Appl. 20(2): 217-227 (2001)
1EEPrafulla Joglekar, Q. B. Chung, Madjid Tavana: Note on a comparative evaluation of nine well-known algorithms for solving the cell formation problem in group technology. JAMDS 5(4): 253-268 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1P. C. Bloom [2]
2Wayne G. Bremser [5]
3Prafulla Joglekar [1]
4Matthew J. Liberatore [4]
5Wenhong Luo [4]
6M. K. Najdawi [3]
7Robert L. Nydick [4]
8Elliot B. Sloane [4]
9Madjid Tavana [1]
10William P. Wagner [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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