
Darya Chudova

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6EEDarya Chudova, Scott Gaffney, Eric Mjolsness, Padhraic Smyth: Translation-invariant mixture models for curve clustering. KDD 2003: 79-88
5EEDarya Chudova, Christopher Hart, Eric Mjolsness, Padhraic Smyth: Gene Expression Clustering with Functional Mixture Models. NIPS 2003
4 Darya Chudova, Scott Gaffney, Padhraic Smyth: Probabilistic Models For Joint Clustering And Time-Warping Of Multidimensional Curves. UAI 2003: 134-141
3EEDarya Chudova, Padhraic Smyth: Analysis of Pattern Discovery in Sequences Using a Bayes Error Framework. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 7(3): 273-299 (2003)
2EEDarya Chudova, Padhraic Smyth: Pattern discovery in sequences under a Markov assumption. KDD 2002: 153-162
1EEDmitry Pavlov, Darya Chudova, Padhraic Smyth: Towards scalable support vector machines using squashing. KDD 2000: 295-299

Coauthor Index

1Scott Gaffney [4] [6]
2Christopher Hart [5]
3Eric Mjolsness [5] [6]
4Dmitry Pavlov [1]
5Padhraic Smyth [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)