
Hean-Teik Chuah

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9EEHeng-Siong Lim, Teong-Chee Chuah, Hean-Teik Chuah: Robust chip-matched myriad filter-based multiuser receiver for impulsive channels. Signal Processing 88(5): 1216-1232 (2008)
8EEBok-Min Goi, Raphael C.-W. Phan, Hean-Teik Chuah: Cryptanalysis of Two Non-anonymous Buyer-Seller Watermarking Protocols for Content Protection. ICCSA (1) 2007: 951-960
7 Hean-Teik Chuah, Nidal S. Kamel, Kok-Swee Sim: The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Assessment System Using The Autoregressive (AR) Technique. VISION 2005: 219-225
6EEKatrina D. Dambul, Fouad Mohammed Abbou, Hean-Teik Chuah: Performance analysis of IP traffic over a WDM ring network in the presence of crosstalk. IEICE Electronic Express 2(5): 149-153 (2005)
5EEShamini Subramaniam, Fouad Mohammed Abbou, Hean-Teik Chuah, Katrina D. Dambul: Performance evaluation of SCM-WDM microcellular communication system in the presence of XPM. IEICE Electronic Express 2(6): 192-197 (2005)
4EEHairul A. Abdul-Rashid, Hean-Teik Chuah, Moncef B. Tayahi, Malik T. Al-Qdah, Ruen-Chung Lee: Chromatic dispersion power penalties in orthogonal subcarrier--optical tandem single sideband systems. IEICE Electronic Express 2(9): 305-310 (2005)
3 Kok-Swee Sim, Nidal S. Kamel, Hean-Teik Chuah: The Effect of Brightness and Contrast Adjustment on Image Saturation. CISST 2004: 491-494
2EEHairul A. Abdul-Rashid, Hean-Teik Chuah, Moncef B. Tayahi, Malik T. Al-Qdah, Ruen-Chung Lee: An orthogonal subcarrier based optical tandem single sideband system. IEICE Electronic Express 1(16): 490-494 (2004)
1EEBok-Min Goi, M. U. Siddiqi, Hean-Teik Chuah: Incremental Hash Function Based on Pair Chaining & Modular Arithmetic Combining. INDOCRYPT 2001: 50-61

Coauthor Index

1Fouad Mohammed Abbou [5] [6]
2Hairul A. Abdul-Rashid [2] [4]
3Malik T. Al-Qdah [2] [4]
4Teong-Chee Chuah [9]
5Katrina D. Dambul [5] [6]
6Bok-Min Goi [1] [8]
7Nidal S. Kamel [3] [7]
8Ruen-Chung Lee [2] [4]
9Heng-Siong Lim [9]
10Raphael Chung-Wei Phan (Raphael C.-W. Phan) [8]
11Mohammad Umar Siddiqi (M. U. Siddiqi) [1]
12Kok-Swee Sim [3] [7]
13Shamini Subramaniam [5]
14Moncef B. Tayahi [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)