
Christophoros Christophorou

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5EEChristophoros Christophorou, Andreas Pitsillides: A new approach for efficient MBMS service provision in UTRAN. ISCC 2008: 356-361
4EEChristophoros Christophorou, Andreas Pitsillides: An enhanced approach for efficient MBMS handovers in 3G networks. ISCC 2008: 362-367
3EEAndreas Panayides, Christophoros Christophorou, Josephine Antoniou, Andreas Pitsillides, Vasos Vassiliou: Power counting for optimized capacity in MBMS enabled UTRAN. ISCC 2008: 368-373
2EEAndreas Pitsillides, Christophoros Christophorou: MBMS Handover control: A new approach for efficient handover in MBMS enabled 3G cellular networks. Computer Networks 51(18): 4897-4918 (2007)
1EEChristophoros Christophorou, Andreas Pitsillides: An Efficient Handover Algorithm for MBMS Enabled 3G Mobile Cellular Networks. ISCC 2006: 187-193

Coauthor Index

1Josephine Antoniou [3]
2Andreas Panayides [3]
3Andreas Pitsillides [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Vasos Vassiliou [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)