
Manhoi Choy

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17EEManhoi Choy, Hong Va Leong, Man Hon Wong: Disaster recovery techniques for database systems. Commun. ACM 43(11es): 6 (2000)
16 Manhoi Choy, Mei-Po Kwan, Hong Va Leong: Distributed Database Design for Mobile Geographical Applications. J. Database Manag. 11(1): 3-15 (2000)
15 Manhoi Choy: Consistent Implementations of Replicated Objects. Comput. J. 42(1): 24-38 (1999)
14 Manhoi Choy: Robust Distributed Mutual Exclusion. ICDCS 1996: 760-767
13EEManhoi Choy: Relaxed consistency requirements for replicated objects. ICPADS 1996: 522-
12EEManhoi Choy, Ambuj K. Singh: Localizing Failures in Distributed Synchronization. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 7(7): 705-716 (1996)
11 Manhoi Choy, Hong Va Leong, Man Hon Wong: On Distributed Object Checkpointing and Recovery. PODC 1995: 64-73
10EEManhoi Choy, Ambuj K. Singh: Efficient Fault-Tolerant Algorithms for Distributed Resource Allocation. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 17(3): 535-559 (1995)
9 Manhoi Choy, Ambuj K. Singh: Efficient Implementation of Synchronous Communication over Asynchronous Networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 26(2): 166-180 (1995)
8 Manhoi Choy, Mei-Po Kwan, Hong Va Leong: On Real-Time Distributed Geographical Database Systems. HICSS (4) 1994: 337-348
7 Divyakant Agrawal, Manhoi Choy, Hong Va Leong, Ambuj K. Singh: Investigating Weak Memories Using Maya. HPDC 1994: 123-130
6 Divyakant Agrawal, Manhoi Choy, Hong Va Leong, Ambuj K. Singh: Mixed Consistency: A Model for Parallel Programming (Extended Abstract). PODC 1994: 101-110
5 Manhoi Choy, Ambuj K. Singh: Coping with Contention (Extended Abstract). WDAG 1994: 89-100
4 Manhoi Choy, Ambuj K. Singh: Adaptive Solutions to the Mutual Exclusion Problem. Distributed Computing 8(1): 1-17 (1994)
3 Manhoi Choy, Ambuj K. Singh: Adaptive Solutions to the Mutual Exclusion Problem (Extended Abstract). PODC 1993: 183-194
2 Manhoi Choy, Ambuj K. Singh: Distributed Job Scheduling Using Snapshots. WDAG 1993: 145-159
1 Manhoi Choy, Ambuj K. Singh: Efficient Fault Tolerant Algorithms for Resource Allocation in Distributed Systems STOC 1992: 593-602

Coauthor Index

1Divyakant Agrawal [6] [7]
2Mei-Po Kwan [8] [16]
3Hong Va Leong [6] [7] [8] [11] [16] [17]
4Ambuj K. Singh [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [12]
5Man Hon Wong [11] [17]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)