
Yun-Soo Choi

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2EEKwang-Young Kim, Jinsuk Kim, Seok-Hyong Lee, Min-Ho Lee, Sung-Pil Choi, Yun-Soo Choi, Du-Seok Jin, Min-Hee Cho, Chang-Hoo Jeong, Nam-Gyu Kang, Ho-Seop Choe, Jerry Seo, Hwa-Mook Yoon: The Implementation of Distributed Retrieval System for a Large Number of Collections. PDCAT 2007: 244-248
1EEChun-Man Cho, Yun-Soo Choi: The Effect of Resident-Perceived Neighborhood Boundary on the Equity of Public Parks Distribution: Using GIS. W2GIS 2005: 296-307

Coauthor Index

1Chun-Man Cho [1]
2Min-Hee Cho [2]
3Ho-Seop Choe [2]
4Sung-Pil Choi [2]
5Chang-Hoo Jeong [2]
6Du-Seok Jin [2]
7Nam-Gyu Kang [2]
8Jinsuk Kim [2]
9Kwang-Young Kim [2]
10Min-Ho Lee [2]
11Seok-Hyong Lee [2]
12Jerry Seo [2]
13Hwa-Mook Yoon [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)